Pretty Girls:

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(Picture is Cass)

After their ruthless attempts, I finally agreed to let Lea and Cass help me get ready. As Lea poked and prodded at my face with cosmetics, Cass searched through my clothes. I was apprehensive to let Lea put makeup on me, as I normally only wear mascara, but I figured nothing bad could come from some extra attention to my face. Cass, on the other hand, was more than displeased with my clothing. She kept complaining that I had nothing fun to wear and that I needed to get new clothes, and I began to get upset about it.

"I like my clothes," I told her with a frown.

"I'm sure you do." She rolled her eyes. Lea was quick to finish my makeup and started on my hair, curling tiny sections and refusing to let me look at myself in the mirror until she was finished. I was careful to put on the top that Cass had chosen, not wanting to mess up my hair or my caked up face.

She grabbed a long sleeve halter top that had lace covering the neck and arms, and plain black covering the rest, the top had a peplum that made it feel slightly less inappropriate. Although I wasn't a big fan of the shirt in general, I appreciated the fact that it covered me up for the most part. The whitewashed jeans she chose were a different story: They were my least favorite pair because they hugged my rear with such tightness that I receive unwanted stares whenever I wear them.

I was slipping on the heels that Cass picked out, when I looked up to see their outfits. They wore tight, cropped tops with short skirts and fishnet stockings. I was shocked at how little they covered themselves, but I didn't want to comment on it and ruin my chances to go to the party. Who knows, maybe they personally thought they were wearing suitable outfits. I figured they'd know more than me. What college parties have I been to, anyways?

"See how hot we look?" Cass encouraged, pulling out her phone to take a picture of us in the mirror. "We'll turn all the boys heads." I wasn't sure if she was joking. "Maybe the girls, too—if that's what you're into." She winked, jabbing my side with her elbow.

"Michael's here!" Lea announced, pulling me out of the room by my hand.

"Is the party close?" I asked, trying to keep up with their long strides.

"A ten-minute drive." Part of me wondered how we'd get back, but I didn't want to ask. Was Michael going to be our designated driver? As we approached a small black car, I noticed Luke was sitting in the passenger seat and couldn't help but roll my eyes.

"The princess has arrived," he sneered as I got into the car, just loud enough for Michael to hear as well, who merely laughed along.


We'd only been at the party for about an hour and I'd managed to lose Cass and Lea. Before I lost them, we'd played a drinking game in the car and another in the living room of the frat house. About 20 minutes into our stay, Cass was whisked off by Luke. Lea only stuck around for 30 minutes more, promising she'd be back for me after saying a quick hello to her friends. By the time I found myself alone, I was stumbling over my feet due to the alcohol in my system, in search of a familiar face.

"Calum!" I called once I entered the kitchen, rushing up to him.

"Val! Have a shot!" He offered a small glass out to me and I took it, downing it before I had a second thought on whether it was a good idea while he took a long drink out of the bottle with me.

"Have you seen Cass or Lea?" He shook his head with an apologetic smile, and a tall girl came up behind him, wrapping her arms around his waist. "Where's the bathroom?" I asked, trying to escape before they inevitably began making out.

Pretty Girls   ⇼ Luke HemmingsWhere stories live. Discover now