You Weren't You.

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"Do you think your parents liked me?" Luke asked when we hit the highway. It'd been quiet up to now, the only sound was Petunia's snoring and the quiet music playing.

"Yes," my voice was slow, unsure.

"That doesn't sound very convincing," he joked, glancing over at me.

"It's just... You weren't you tonight. They liked the man I brought home, but that man wasn't my boyfriend." His smile fell and guilt panged in my stomach.

"Right. So if they find out that I have tattoos and wear leather jackets and that I'm in a stupid band, they won't like me?" It hurt me to see him so upset. I caused that.

"That's not what I'm saying-" he cut me off.

"Then what are you saying?" He raised his voice, causing Petunia to shoot up.

"That I wanted my parents to meet you! Not this guy that you're pretending to be to impress them!" This is coming out way worse than I mean it.

"Isn't that what boyfriends are supposed to do? Impress their girlfriend's parents?" He shot back, causing me to sigh and sink into the seat.

"I don't think it's necessary to impress them. All I'm saying is that their opinion doesn't matter to me." I shut my eyes, pinching the bridge of my nose. All the shouting was giving me a migraine.

"Well I tried to impress them. I'm sorry that I can't be effortlessly perfect, okay? I'm not you. I don't walk into a house and get immediate acceptance. I walk into a house and people get scared. They lock up their things. I'm sorry that, for once, I wanted people to like me. Important people. People that love the girl I love. I'm sorry if that upset you." There was a moment of silence as I tried to wrap my head around what he just said. Petunia whimpered in the back seat.

"It didn't upset me, Luke. I appreciate the fact that you did it and that you tried really hard to make a good impression. I don't want you to doubt that I appreciated it. I really did. I'm trying to say that I don't care if my parents like you. That won't stop me from being with you, and it certainly won't stop me from bringing you around. Their opinions stopped mattering a long time ago." Luke didn't speak and Petunia whined again.

"Luke..." I turned to him, but he kept his eyes on the road. Petunia's whimpering wouldn't cease and Luke's grip tightened on the steering wheel, his knuckles turning white. "What matters is that they liked you now. I don't think their opinion will change once they already know how kind you are and-" Petunia's barking interrupted me.

"Petunia! Stop!" Luke yelled, causing me to gasp as he turned around. "Stop barking!" He ordered. A horn sounded and Luke whipped around, jerking the steering wheel to get us back in the lane. My breathing was heavy as I gaped at him, my mouth parted. Petunia let out a quiet whimper and Luke hit the steering wheel with the palm of his hand. "Jesus fucking christ!" I reached back, trying to soothe her by scratching her ears. It seemed to shut her up, so I turned forward again. As soon as I did, she started whimpering again. "Petunia!" Luke scolded.

"Why are you yelling?" I complained, holding my head in annoyance. All the commotion was killing my head.

"I'm not yelling. I'm just upset." He pushed his curls out of his face.

"I understand that, but there's no reason to be. They liked you. I love you. That's all that matters. Now can we stop, please!?" I sighed, leaning back into my seat and staring out the window.

Petunia started barking again, and Luke jerked the car to the side of the road, putting it in park and getting out. He walked over to my side, letting Petunia out of the backseat.

"Where are you going?" I asked, but he only shut the door and walked off. It was dark, and I quickly lost sight of him. Maybe he was going to clear his head, but why would he take Petunia? Maybe he was taking her to use the bathroom. I waited for him to get back. Five minutes turned into ten, then fifteen, then twenty. I was beginning to get nervous. I could hardly see ten feet in front of me, and there were no cars zooming past. The road was empty, and the only noise came from the radio static. It was extremely unsettling, and I locked the doors about 5 minutes into Luke's absence. Maybe he forgot where he parked. I reached over, flipping on the headlights and looking out the window. I gasped when I saw someone walking towards the car. It wasn't Luke. He was much shorter and heavier.

He got closer to the car, stopping to look in the driver's side window. His eyes fell on me, his lips curling in a smile.

"Do you need any help?" He asked through the window.

"No, I'm okay." I faced forward, bringing my knees to my chest. Please go away.

"Where you heading? Can I get a ride?" I pinched my eyes shut, pretending I didn't hear him. The gravel crunched under him as he walked around the car. It went silent and I opened my eyes, straining to look around in the dark. All of a sudden, there was a banging on my window. I screamed, whipping around to see Luke. I was relieved to see him, but my heart was pounding out of my chest. I was so worked up, that my eyes started to water.

"Open the door!" He called and I reached over and hit the button. Luke opened the back, helping Petunia in before getting in the driver's side.

"What?" he asked, noticing my glare.

"You scared the life out of me!" I yelled, the tears finally escaping my eyes.

"I'm sorry, baby." He pulled me into an awkward over-the-counsel hug.

"There was a man and he was next to the car and talking to me." I cried into his shoulder as he rubbed my back.

"What? Someone was outside?" I nodded, sniffling. "Where did he go?" Luke tried to pull away, but I held onto his arm.

"Can we go home? Please?" I pulled away, sinking into the leather seat and Luke set a hand on my thigh before driving away.


"Val, baby. Wake up." Luke cooed from the door, brushing my hair our of his face. "I just brought Petunia up. Do you want to sleep here, or do you want me to take you home?" I groaned, keeping my eyes shut. I hadn't realized I fell asleep until the car stopped.

"Here." I mumbled. Luke let out a small laugh, unbuckling my seatbelt.

"Give me your arms, baby." I held my arms out and Luke picked me up, carrying me inside. I felt every step and every stair, the movements making me nauseous. I clung to his neck as he set me down on the bed. I didn't want to let him go. "Let go now, love." He gently unhooked my arms. I opened my eyes, watching as he picked out one of his white t-shirts and set it next to me. He changed slowly, taking his time to unbutton each button and hang up the dress clothes. By the time he finished, wearing only his boxers, he sat down next to me.

"You should change," his voice was soft. I held out my hand and he helped me sit up.

"I'm too tired," I complained and he smiled, lifting my shirt above my head and helping me out of my bra.

"I love every part of your body," he whispered, replacing my shirt with his. I lied down, bucking my hips up so he could pull off my skirt. He then went to work on taking off my heels, taking them off and dropping them with a clunk on the floor. He pulled the covers back, tucking me in and kissing my forehead. I watched as he folded my dirty clothes and set them on the dresser before climbing in the bed with me and wrapping his arms around me. In seconds, I fell asleep. 

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