Waited My Whole Life.

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"Good morning," Luke whispered as soon as I opened my eyes. We were still in the position we fell asleep in; my head on his chest and his arms secured around me. Petunia was at our feet, chewing on a bone.

"Morning," I mumbled, tearing myself away from him to stretch my arms above my head. A frown flashed on his face, what I assumed to be from the lack of touch between us. "How did you sleep?" I asked when Petunia nuzzled her head towards me for a pet.

"Great." He grinned as my fingers grazed Petunia's fur. "What about you?" He pulled my body back to him, pressing a kiss against my cheek. Petunia jumped off the bed and walked to the corner she kept her toys in before collapsing on the hardwood and finding a new toy to indulge herself in.

"Pretty well." I kept the gory bits hidden, like the dream I had of me touching him the night before. In my dreams, I relived our memories and it felt just as real as it did when I was awake. I longed to bring him the same peace I did last night.

Luke's hands snaked around my waist as he set his chin on my shoulder, staring down at my phone as I replied to a text from my mom.

"Valerie?" He asked once I set my phone down and I turned in his grip to face him.

"Lucas?" I shot back at him with a smile. He rolled his eyes when I used his full name, but opened his mouth to speak, quickly shutting it again.

"Nevermind." He brushed it off, pushing his curls out of his face.

"Tell me," I urged, curiosity getting the best of me. When he didn't reply, I tilted my head to the side and intertwined my fingers in his.

"It's stupid." He let out a dry laugh, his thumb running across the back of my hand.

"No it's not." Although I didn't know what it was, I didn't believe a single stupid thing could come out of his mouth, especially something that wasn't easy for him to say. I assumed it to be something raw of emotion, as emotions never come easily for him.

Silence struck us for a long while. I was unsure whether it was because he was trying to decide if he wants to tell me, or if he was trying to decide how to word it.

"I was just..." he began before stopping to sigh. "I was wondering if you... Would ever..." He pulled his hand away, scratching the back of his neck. "It's stupid. I said nevermind." Whatever it was, he seemed to be uncomfortable saying it.

"If I would ever what?" I so desperately wanted to know. This conversation could lead to so many different roads, and I wanted to know which one he planned to take it down.

"If you would ever let me meet your parents," he finally finished, his face turning red. It took all my might not to smile at the sight of Luke blushing. I would have, if it hadn't been such a hard topic for him to bring up.

"Yes," I told him. "But they can be..." My voice trailed off in search of the right adjective. Judgemental? Rude? Over the top? Religious? "Overbearing."

"Oh." He looked down at his lap, as if to tell me that he regretted asking.

"But they want to meet you." I reassured. "I told them we were seeing each other and they asked if we wanted to come over next weekend." I let him know, even though I wasn't sure whether I wanted to see them yet.

"Really?" His face lit up and I couldn't help but smile.

"Yeah." I bit my lip. "I mean... We don't have to, if you think it's too soon or something, but... They offered to have a family dinner."

"No one has ever actually wanted to meet me before," he told me and my heart panged. Although my parents wanted to meet him, I knew that they'd get offended the second he walked through the door, and I didn't want him to be upset by their negative backlash.

"Well, you have a whole bunch of religious Italians who want to." I joked, and we shared a small laugh. "And I wanted to meet you," I blurted out, my face reddening as his blue eyes met mine. "I mean... I've waited my whole life to meet someone who has made me feel comfortable with intimacy." I finished off with a bright red face, rising my hand to hide my blush, only to have Luke pull it down and interlace our fingers.

"I've waited my whole life to meet someone who's made me care about them more than myself." The second his confession left his mouth, I grabbed his cheeks and pressed my lips against his.

I craved the feeling of intimacy that we had last night, so I gently pushed him down on the mattress before straddling his lap and deepening the kiss. Luke smirked against my lips, his hands settling on my waist before he pulled away.

"You are getting bolder every time we do this." His lopsided grin was enough to drive me crazy.

"Shut up!" I warned, rolling my eyes.

"I'm just saying, it's extremely hot when you take control," his voice lowered to a whisper as he pulled me back down, colliding our lips. I grinded my hips into him and he moaned into my mouth, his fingers digging into my sides. "You're going to give me a hard-on," he mumbled as he moved to my neck, tenderly kissing the skin as his hands grabbed at my breasts. I set my hands on his bare chest, allowing them to gently scale down until I reached the band of his sweatpants. He let out a shaky breath once he pulled away from my neck.

"What are you doing?" he asked, pushing the hair out of my face and behind my ear.

"I-I want to do what we did last night," I told him, climbing off his lap as Luke slid himself up to sit against the headboard as he bit his lip. "But-But differently," I whispered.

"Different, how?" He urged and my eyes fell to the bulge in his pants.

"Um... With..." I struggled to get the words out. He knows how shy I am, but I didn't want that to stop me this time. I wanted to give him what he wanted, and what I've wanted to try since our first intimate encounter. "My mouth," I blurted out, my face turning bright red as his broke out in a huge grin.

"Really?" he asked, overexcited. "I mean... You don't have to if you're not comfortable." He tried to soften, but I could see the excitement in his eyes (and his pants).

Luke watched me with dark eyes as I pulled down his sweatpants and urged him to buck his hips up, sliding them down, along with his boxers. Staring up him, I slowly moved up and down his shaft. After a second, I leaned down, putting my lips around him and taking him in my mouth. Luke gasped sharply, moaning as he threw his head back. I bobbed up and down, being extremely careful not to hurt him with my teeth. Luke pulled at my hair, fighting the urge to buck his hips or push me down, I took him into my mouth fully, gagging as I did.

"Holy fucking shit." He swore, I felt him begin to twitch in my mouth, I swirled my tongue around his head as he stuttered. "Sh-shit, Val. I'm going to—fuck—if you don't stop I'm going to come in your mouth." His words came out in a rush as I quickly bobbed my head, taking him into my mouth further as his grip in my hair tightened. He released into my mouth and without knowing what to do, I swallowed the salty substance and pulled back, staring at a flustered, out of breath, and cursing Luke.

I set my head on Luke's chest as he pulled his pants back up and held me close to him.

"Baby..." he began. "That was... Wow.... That was amazing," he complimented. "I can't believe you've never done that before." He pulled my face up and pressed a sweet kiss to my lips. "I'm glad to have been your first." My face turned red as I buried it in Luke's chest, embarrassed by my provocative actions. "Val?" He asked, and I snapped my head up to him.

"Yeah?" My voice was soft, feeling like if I talked too loud I would shatter him after the vulnerable state he was just in.

"I have to tell you something," he confessed and my green eyes met his blue ones before he looked away. I feared the worst, my heart pounding in my chest. "I... I really like you."

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