God Dammit, Luke!

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(Picture is Mandy)

By the time I got home, it was nearly 4:30 in the morning. I took a long shower to remove the guilt from my body and I appreciated how alone I was. Maybe I'd have to start taking showers in the middle of the night to have some privacy. It took a long time to detangle my hair, seeing as I'd slept on the floor and there was a large knot in the back of my head. After my hair was smooth, I braided the wet strands and crawled into bed at 5:45, immediately falling asleep.


I'd slept in later than I usually would, and when I got up, Lea was getting ready. She begged me to come out with her and buy our books, and I appreciated that she wanted to do something so dismal after our long weekend of partying. It was the day before classes began and I spent the rest of it getting everything in order, writing my schedule in my planner. I was extremely excited for this term: Mondays, Wednesdays, and Fridays I had Biology at 9:00am, Nonfiction Writing at 10:40am, and Literature and Power at 1:00pm. I had just enough time to get lunch after Nonfiction Writing before finishing my classes for the day.

Tuesdays and Thursdays I had Fiction Workshop at 9:00am and Art History at 2:30pm. I would have to get lunch in my spare time before Art History. I began to regret taking five classes, but I felt like I would have no problem keeping up with the workload seeing as I did well last term with only four, and I even had an excessive amount of free time. I'd hoped that Lea was in at least one of my classes but, as my luck would have it, she wasn't.


I woke up at seven in the morning on Monday to ensure I'd have enough time to get ready for class. I decided on wearing my favorite white dress with a pale pink floral pattern along with pink flats. The pinks matched perfectly, which made me even more excited to go to class and show off my outfit. Because it was the first day, I drew a thin line of brown eyeliner on my top lid and put on mascara, topping it off with a clear lip gloss. After blow drying and curling my hair, I smiled at my reflection and snapped a picture to send to my mom. She always loved to see what I wore on the first day of school.

By the time I'd picked up a coffee from the on campus starbucks, it was 8:45 and I headed to class early. Walking in, I was surprised to see that I wasn't the only one who came early. There was a red haired girl sitting in the front row, scribbling something down in her notebook. I decided to sit next to her and introduce myself, in hopes that she could become my friend.

Mandy and I immediately bonded over the fact that we didn't want to be in Biology, but we'd both decided to get our science credit out of the way this term. She was an English and Education major and I'd learned that she was in my Literature and Power class. She and I got along well in the fifteen minutes before class and decided to introduce ourselves to professor Franco after class. Calum was in the class as well and sat on the other side of me, strolling in just as professor Franco began going over the syllabus.

My next class went by quickly and we got out an hour early after going through the syllabus. I grabbed a quick lunch, running into Mandy in the cafeteria and we sat together before grabbing coffee and walking to Literature and Power. She and I decided to get lunch and walk to class together every other day. We sat on the left end of the first row, Mandy against the wall next to the door. About half an hour into class, as professor Smith was talking about our assignment, Luke walked in. He mumbled an apology for being late and sunk down in the seat next to me before pulling out a worn out copy of The Awakening. I didn't look at him. I kept my eyes on my notes, taking down everything professor Smith was saying.

I could tell he was trying to get my attention as he tapped the desk his pen, staring at me. When it didn't work, he leaned over and poked at my coffee cup. As he did, it caught on my highlighter and toppled over, the hot liquid seeping through my notes and the white fabric of my dress.

"God dammit, Luke!" I swore, jumping up. My face turned bright red as the class fell silent, staring at me. I hadn't meant to swear, but it'd been such a long day and this was my favorite dress. "I'm sorry, excuse me," my face turned bright red as I rushed out of the class and to the bathroom.

I hiked my dress up and dabbed at my dress with a wet napkin, hoping to lessen the stain. I knew it was hopeless, that it'd be impossible to get the brown stain out and it was already beginning to set. I didn't care that my dress was pulled up, revealing the scar on my thigh, I just wanted to salvage the piece of clothing. I was so consumed in doing so, that I hadn't even heard the door open. I didn't realize Luke was standing there until he spoke.

"What happened to your leg?" He stared down at my burn scar.

"None of your business! Get out!" I ordered, but he didn't listen. He stepped toward me, reaching across and turning the faucet off as I spun around to face him, letting my dress fall back down my legs. The wet cloth sent shivers down my bare skin.

"This was my favorite dress. And now it's ruined!" I yelled. I didn't care that he was in the ladies bathroom, I wanted to yell at him. Scream at him, and I appreciated the privacy.

"It's a shame," he shrugged. "Looked good on you," before I could reply, he pressed his lips to mine and lifted me up to sit on the porcelain sink. He pressed his body in between my legs and I couldn't help but kiss him back.


I don't know why I was kissing Valerie for the second time in two days, but I couldn't pull myself away. The feeling I got from kissing her was so abnormal. It sent fire through my body. I knew the feeling only existed because two people like us, two polar opposites, should never kiss. It was a feeling of rebellion, of two wrongs making a right. I loved the way her lips felt against mine and how conservative she was when sticking her tongue in my mouth. I loved the way her small hands tangled themselves in my hair and the way my hands fit on the small of her back. But mostly, I loved to hear her screaming at me. As soon as she raised her voice, I was turned on. The fact that our bodies had such good chemistry together drove me crazy. I didn't find her attractive, I didn't even like her as a person. Hell, I hated her. But god, I loved feeling her lips explore mine. We stayed like this for a while, our lips molded together and my body pressed into hers. All until she pulled away.


"I need to get back to class," my voice was hoarse. I don't know why he kissed me again. I don't know why I liked it so much. I was out of breath and a tingling sensation was flowing through my body. Luke pressed his lips to my neck, moving my hair out of his way.

"Stay," he mumbled against my skin. The vibration of his lips when he spoke drove me crazy. As much as I wanted to stay, I couldn't. So, I pushed him back by his chest and hopped off the sink. Our eyes found each other for a split second. His impatient blue ones in my curious green, but I looked away and grabbed a stack of napkins before leaving him behind in the bathroom. He was quick to grab some as well and follow me out, back to our class.

As soon as we walked in, professor Smith stopped speaking and all eyes fell on us as Luke helped me soak up the coffee on the desk. I wondered if they could tell we'd been kissing. I wondered if my lips were swollen like they'd been by the time I got home last night, after kissing Luke for the first time. When the mess was cleaned up and we were back in our seats, she continued on with her lesson.

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