I Can Fix That.

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When I woke up, Lea was sound asleep in her bed, clinging to Michael. I should have known everything would be fine between the two. I wondered if they did anything intimate while I was asleep. I wondered how it was possible to find someone who wanted to be intimate with you and actually stay the night. I choked back my tears as I thought about my encounter with Luke and the way he left me, so cold and alone and needing validation. How could he do something like that? All I wanted to do was wake up Lea and tell her what happened, but she was with Michael and the last thing I wanted was for any of Luke's friends to know. Swallowing back my sadness, I took a long shower and got ready. It took me nearly two hours to find something to wear and fix myself up, hoping to look presentable for class. I decided on a light purple dress with white polka dots and white flats. It flowed out at my waist and fell to the middle of my thigh. It was a little shorter than I was comfortable with, and very tight on my chest, but I felt like the confidence I had in wearing it would do me justice, especially after my horrible morning.

I let my hair dry to it's naturally straight state and drew a small line of brown eyeliner on my top lid with mascara and lipgloss. By the time I as ready, I had twenty minutes to get to class. So, I left the sleeping couple in my room and headed to get coffee before Fiction Workshop. While I waited in line, a voice sounded behind me.

"Damn, Val!" Ashton spoke, grabbing my hand and twirling my body in a circle as his eyes raked down my body. "You look wonderful," he complimented as I giggled. "You coming to the show tonight?" He asked, setting a hand on the small of my back as I moved forward in the line.

"Oh, I don't know," I let out a dry laugh. "Probably not,"

"Why?" He frowned. Geez, maybe because Luke went down on me yesterday and then left and now I feel ugly, slutty, and just generally horrible.

"I don't know if it's a good idea to go out on a school night," I lied.

"Lea's coming," he pointed out and I shrugged, placing my order. Ashton surprised me by paying for my coffee and led me to the other half of the counter with the other waiting students.

"Is Cass?" I asked, mostly for Lea. I didn't have a preference on whether or not she was there, but I knew it'd make Lea uncomfortable.

"No," he shrugged. "She thinks the band is stupid," my mouth formed in the shape of an 'o'. "Do you?" He asked. "Think it's stupid?" I furrowed my eyebrows, stepping forward to grab our coffees and walking out of the small shop.

"I think you guys are great," I smiled lightly and his face lit up.

"Thanks Val," his cheeks tinged pink. "Let me-" he began, but was cut off.

"Valerie, Ashton," Luke walked up to us. Ashton's hand dropped from my back and Luke's eyes glanced down at my body as he wet his lips with his tongue. My eyes immediately found the floor. I couldn't bear to look at him.

"I gotta go," Ashton cleared his throat. "See ya tonight, Val?" Luke raised an eyebrow, waiting for me to respond to Ashton's question.

"Maybe..." My voice trailed off as Ashton gave Luke a pat on the shoulder before walking off.

I started to walk away as well, but Luke grabbed my wrist.

"I have to go to class," I mumbled, pulling myself out of his grip and continued on. He walked after me, his long strides quickly catching up to mine.

"See ya tonight, Val,'" He mocked causing me to roll my eyes. I had fifteen minutes to get to class, so I stopped walking, my head snapping to him.

"What do you want?" I asked, my voice harsher than I'd meant for it to be.

"Someone's in a bad mood," he smirked, sitting on a bench. I let out a huff of breath and sat next to him.

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