Make Me Feel Good.

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After my shower, I put on my new set of bra and panties along with a baggy white shirt. Even dressed in them with pajamas made me feel confident. I understood why Lea liked wearing stuff like this so much. I felt so great about myself that I hadn't put pants on when I got back to my room. I wanted to stay like this. Hell, I wanted to wear it without the shirt, but I was worried someone would come in. My fear was confirmed when the door busted open. Luke walked in, bringing the stench of cigarettes with him. I've always hated the smell of cigarettes because they reminded me of my uncle Paul. But on Luke, mixed with his cologne, it smelt like heaven. I spun around, holding a gasp as I set my mug of tea on the desk.

"Well, would you look at you," he laughed. "I see those new panties have already given you confidence," my face burnt up as the words left his mouth. How did he know I was wearing them? I couldn't think of anything to say, so I just tugged my shirt down slightly. Luke didn't waste any time in crossing over to my side of the room and crashing his lips against mine. He scooped up my small body and brought me to the bed, lying me down. Our tongues fought against each other and I couldn't help but pull at Luke's hair. "Let me make you feel good," he rasped, kissing down my neck.

That was all it took. I may have melted to the floor if we hadn't been lying on the bed. My heart was beating in my throat, my face was hot and I felt an odd tingling in my stomach. Not quite like the butterflies I experienced when Luke kissed me, but more. It travelled all the way to my core. My insides tightened and, for some reason, I wanted to explore what he was talking about.

"Say the word," He rasped. "And I'll make you feel like you're in heaven," He bit his lip. "I know it's scary, and I can tell you're nervous," He paused, dragging my face so our eyes met. "I'll make you feel so good, baby," He whispered. My hand shook as I set it on his chest, trying to increase the distance between us as the words knotted in my throat.

Does he want to have sex with me? Or is he implying something else? What else is there? I'm so confused and I can't speak because I'm too focused on the fact that he's peeling off his black v-neck shirt, pressing his warm skin against me as he took my wrists in his hand and set it by my waist. As he drew back, he kissed down my neck, inching up my top. His hand lightly brushed over my scar as he moved my shirt up.

"Say the word, baby," He spoke quietly. His lips came in contact with my neck, kissing it roughly, likely forming bruises. He pulled my baggy top over my head slowly, setting a warm hand on my shoulder before his hand ran down my skin. He grinned against my lips before moving to my neck once again. I wanted to run. To hide away from my disgusting body. But at the same time, I wanted more. "Please," He begged. I closed my eyes, unconsciously giving him access to my neck while he left sweet kisses over the sore spots.

"Okay," I told him, surprising us both.

"Say it," He urged. I was silent for a short moment.

"I want it," I breathed, my face bright red.

"What do you want, baby?" He asked, his weight on his hands which were placed on either side of me. His eyes burnt with lust, I'm sure mine did, as well.

"I want you," I whimpered. His skillful hands moving tracing my stomach with impeccable ease.

"What do you want me to do?" He asked. Oh god, why was he making this so difficult? His eyes examined every inch of my exposed body. I silently thanked Lea for pressuring me into the bra and panties I was in, and silently thanking myself for recently shaving my legs. "Tell me now," He growled against my lips, kissing me with passion. He left more delectable, sloppy kisses on my neck whilst my fingers gripped his hair, breathing heavily.

"Make me feel good." I insisted, his dark grin widening.

His hand reached up, gently caressing my purity before forcefully yanking it off and throwing it to the floor. I didn't care that it'd likely become lost in a corner of the rook. Or that my finger stung from the pull. I sat up, kissing him with a tingling sensation forming, full of adrenaline. He reached back, unclasping my bra and throwing it on the floor. His hands cupped me; fingers playing with my nipples. He broke the kiss, pushing my shoulders down and kissing my skin, down to my breasts. He didn't linger long. Instead, he continued down my stomach, kissing until he reached the edge of my panties. His hands parting my legs slipping off my underwear. I tried to close them again, hiding myself from him. He glared at me, pulling them open again.

"Don't be embarrassed," He cooed, moving up to my lips for another enchanting kiss. "You have a lovely body. You have nothing to be ashamed of," His words heated my face as he continued to kiss me. His breath was hot, a fresh smell of mint occupying it and his cologne and cigarettes, making my head spin.

"I'm going to make you feel so good," He growled, his hand following the curve of my body and down to my lower lips, gliding his hand up and down; causing me to gasp, my breathing becoming ragged. My delicate fingers gripped the sheets out of nervousness and his eyes found mine for reassurance. I nodded slowly, in fear of what he needed consent to do. A long, deft finger slid inside me and a loud gasp left my lips, feeling oddly foreign at first, but soon I grew accustomed to it. He gently slid it in and out, eyes refusing to leave mine. "Pretty girl," He mumbled, taking his finger out and shoving it back in, his index explored the inside of me. My eyes screwed shut once Luke moved down. My back arched once his mouth came in contact with me. A loud moan left my throat, I'd never experienced a feeling like this.

The steady pace he moved at allowed me to feel the joints, warmth, and kinks of his skillful fingers. His mouth left me for a split second.

"Keep your eyes open," He ordered. "I want to see you," forced my eyes open, staring at Luke's dark, fixated gaze. His lips were there again, staring at me through his dark eyelashes whilst he worked. Another involuntary moan escaped my lips before I bit the bottom one; trying to keep myself from coming undone. "Come on baby," He cooed. Short, sharp breaths escaped my lips as Luke closed the distance between us once again, pressing his body against mine and kissing my neck. I moaned again, feeling weak.

"L-Luke," I whimpered, he grabbed my hand for reassurance.

"Give yourself to me," It was only seconds later when I cried out in another moan, falling apart at Luke's will.

He removed his fingers from me, smiling deviously as he held my tired body close to him.

"We're going to have a lot of fun, baby. I can already tell," He didn't hold me for long. Instead, he stood, pulling his shirt back on.

"You're leaving?" I asked, immediately embarrassed of my exposed body, covering my breasts with my arms and clamping my legs shut.

"What, did you expect me to stay?" He asked, his voice cold.

"No," I replied honestly, watching as he picked his keys up and left the room, leaving me alone with my thoughts.

Mom and dad would kill me if they knew. I closed my eyes, inhaling the scent that Luke had left lingering in the room; taking everything in. This beautiful boy was just in my room, we had just shared a beautiful, intimate moment, and then left. But he made it clear that this was only the first of many beautiful moments we'll share. And to be quite frank, I didn't mind going against my beliefs for him. He made it feel okay, despite the fact that I was alone, naked in my room. After what felt like an hour of me sitting there, I picked up my clothes and slid them back on before looking at myself in the mirror. My eyes were wide and wild, my hair was a mess, and there were three hickies lining the left side of my neck. With a small sigh, I turned off the light and went to bed, dreaming of the sin that Luke and I had just committed. 

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