Another Fight.

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Luke and I were sitting in his room, watching movies as Petunia curled up in between us. We'd moved from my dorm to his room for more privacy, in case Lea came home. We wanted to be alone all day, not interrupted by a single person. As the movie played in the background, my phone vibrated from a text. Pulling it out, I smiled at the group chat with the girls to see Monica had sent a picture of a shirtless Harry Styles.

"What are you smiling at?" Luke asked, crooking his neck to look at my phone.

"Nothing." I subconsciously hid the picture from him, knowing he'd likely be upset by it.


From Mandy: I think I just died and went to heaven

From Monica: Do you think there's an endless supply of Harry Styles in heaven?

From me: Geez, I hope so

From Lea: Don't tell Michael but I might have to think of Harry during sex tonight ;)

From Monica: I never stop thinking of Harry tbh

From Mandy: Do any of us?

From me: Petition to ONLY think of Harry Styles. Nothing else, just him

Before I could read any of the replies, Luke snatched my phone out of my hand.

"Luke!" I complained and his jaw stiffened.

"Nothing?" he asked, mocking my voice. "This isn't nothing, you're fantasizing about another man!" He overreacted and I rolled my eyes.

"He's a celebrity. I don't even know him." I tried to defend myself, but Luke only rolled his eyes. His full lips landed in a pout and I felt somewhat guilty.

"Do you think about Harry Styles while you're kissing me?" he asked, his voice holding a hint of mockery. I rolled my eyes again, grabbing my phone back.

From me: Gotta go, Luke's freaking out because I think Harry Styles is cute smh

From Lea: Ooooooh, good luck

From Mandy: I'm in the next room if you need me!

From Monica: Praying for you! xxx

"You're being ridiculous." I leaned against the headboard, watching as he turned his attention back to the movie. "We were having such a good day, and now you're acting like this." He still didn't reply, merely raising the volume. I was offended at the action and snatched the remote from him, turning of the tv. "The other boys wouldn't overreact this much." He finally looked at me, raising his eyebrow.

"Maybe you should date one of them, then!" He blew up, standing up and grabbing Petunia's leash. She immediately jumped off the bed.

"Luke, come on!" I complained and he connected her harness to her body. "It's not even a big deal! I never got mad when you were fucking other people!"

"Jesus Christ, Val! Just shut up!" And with that he stormed out of the room, slamming the door.

I couldn't help but sigh, plopping back on the bed and pushing my hair out of my face. Tears stung in my eyes, but I didn't want to cry. Why couldn't we just have one nice day? I hated it when he acted like this. I couldn't help but wonder if I provoked this fight? Or was he overreacting about the situation? I couldn't decide and honestly, I was too annoyed to.


I waited for a long time, debating whether I should go home. By the time I'd given up hope that he'd come back, he walked in. When Luke finally came back, he seemed much more relaxed. He reeked of cigarettes and unleashed Petunia before hanging up the leash. Sighing, he sat on the edge of the bed. I was still lying down, but watched as he rubbed his hands together, staring at the floor.

"I'm sorry, Val." he finally spoke. "I overreacted, you were right." I felt like he was saying exactly what I wanted to hear and didn't mean it. I propped myself up on my elbows to get a better look at him as he turned to face me. "I realize now that it's ridiculous to think you'd leave me for him because you don't even know him. I shouldn't have gotten so jealous. I'm sorry." I sighed, sitting up completely.

"It's just another fight, baby. Right? It doesn't mean anything?" he asked, his voice dripping with worry. Maybe he did feel bad.

"It's just another fight." I confirmed, because that's all it truly was. That's all our fights ever were after all. "But why does there always have to be another one?"

"That's just how we are. We fight and make up. It doesn't mean anything, it just makes our relationship stronger." I couldn't help but smile. I didn't feel angry at all. I felt somewhat relieved, knowing he was right.

"Let's go," I said.

"Go where?" He let out a dry laugh, almost as if making fun of me.

"Anywhere but here." His mouth parted slightly as he took my hand and led me through the house, to his car. "Take the top down." I suggested as I got in, watching Luke fumble with the buttons to reverse the top of his car. Then, we were off on the roads. Luke drove fast on an empty road, and I stood, raising my arms in the air as I closed my eyes, feeling the cold wind in my face and pretending I was flying away from all my problems.

Luke laughed as he rounded the corner and pulled into a backroad. I sat back down, feeling free. I wondered if he noticed my change in composure, how reckless I am with him. How I never would have done something like that before I met him. Luke pulled off to the side of the road and drove through bushes and twigs before putting the car in park.

"Where are we?" I asked.

"Anywhere but there," he replied, getting out of his car and opening the door for me. He helped me on the hood of the car, and we lied against the windshield, staring at the stars.

"Wow." I breathed. "It's so amazing." My small body rolled over and landed on Luke's, my head settling on his chest as his breathing slowed. I listened to his fast heartbeat and soon let my eyes close while his arm wrapped around me lulled her to sleep.


When I woke up, I was significantly less stressed out from our fight. I sat up and scratched my head, looking around at the nearby trees and the emptiness of the area.

"What time is it?" I rasped.

"Late," he replied with a gentle voice.

"Can you take me home?" I asked, feeling weak from exhaustion. Luke nodded and helped me into the car, driving off into the night. When he pulled up to my dorm, I smiled at him, unable to stop myself from giving him a long, passionate kiss.

"I love you." I told him for the first time, feeling completely sure of myself.

"I love you." He repeated, his smile wide. "Do you want to go on a proper date tomorrow?" he asked, and I felt like a weight had been lifted off my chest.

"I'd love to." I smiled.

"Goodnight Val." I clambered out of the car after one last kiss.

"Goodnight Luke." My heart skipped a beat, unable to believe the confession I made tonight.

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