We're Fucked Up.

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"Hey, sleeping beauty!" Lea's voice woke me by shaking my shoulder. I gasped, my eyes springing open. I don't why I thought it was Luke, but the thought scared me. What would he do if he came over today? Would he be as angry as he was last night? Would he be back to his normal self? Was that even his normal self or did his normal self show last night? Is he just putting on an act with me? Who is he, really? My head is spinning from all the questions I have and I feel sick, thinking about everything that happened.

"Did you forget which bed was yours?" She laughed, walking over to my desk as I sat up. My eyes focused on the mess from last night as Lea picked up the empty bottle of scotch and stored it with her other empty bottles. "How much did you drink last night? This place is trashed." Her tone was humorous, but I wasn't much in the mood to joke. How could I be after last night? I was still shaken up from all the hurtful things he said and the hateful look on his face as he threw everything around. Did she know? The way she joked with me made me think that she didn't, but my anxiety still poked through. What if he went back home last night and told everyone about what he did? What if I was the laughing stock among our friends?

"I wasn't drunk," I stood up from her bed and began to collect my notes and pile them together, not bothering to reorganize. I was too tired to deal with it now. I just wanted to sleep the day away. I'm sure I would have, if Lea didn't wake me up.

"Then what happened?" She helped me pick up my textbooks and set them on my desk.

"Luke and I had a fight." I wasn't sure if I wanted to talk about it, but I needed to at the same time. "He did that." I motioned to the crack in the wall and her eyes fell to the broken mug as she gasped.

"He did?" She asked and I nodded, placing the notes on my desk before kneeling down to pick up the broken glass.

"My phone also has a crack in it." Although that wasn't necessarily his fault, I felt like it was worth mentioning. He startled me enough to make me drop it when he barged in.

Lea's fingers ran down the crack in the wall before she picked up the book and set it with my other schoolwork.

"I'll put in another work order for the door and add in the wall." She gave me a small smile, trying to pretend like everything would be okay when I wasn't sure if it would be. "You guys have fights all the time. Everything will work out." She tried to help, but I wasn't being very receptive. I stood up, glass in hand.

"No." I sighed. "This time it was different. I was... Scared of him. He was throwing things and yelling and he was drunk and I-" I stopped, suddenly unable to catch my breath. I felt the tears wet my cheeks and furiously wiped them away with the back of my hand.

"I was scared," I finished and Lea engulfed me in a hug.

"I know he can be hard to understand, but he's changed a lot since he met you, Val." I wasn't sure how that was supposed to make me feel better. "Maybe it's worth talking to him about." She pulled away from me, her hands on my shoulders. "He had a rough night. Garrett beat the shit out of him because he didn't want to go to May's this weekend. Maybe that's why he was so angry," she suggested and my eyes found the floor. But why does that justify what he did? Breaking my favorite mug, throwing my papers around, cracking the wall. "I mean, I'm not saying that excuses it." She read my mind. "I'm just saying... Maybe he has an explanation. I don't want to see you ruin a good thing without thinking it over first. Just talk to him, okay?" I nodded, unsure of what else to say. She was right, he at least deserved to be heard out.

He didn't tell me the circumstances of the fight, or that he hadn't started it. But then again, I didn't ask. With a sigh, I switched the glass to my other hand before dropping it all together.

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