Wine Drunk!

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I don't know why I was surprised when Lea wasn't in the room when I got back. Doubting she'd be back at all tonight, I called up Mandy and asked her to come over. Seeing as she was in the dorm building next to mine, it didn't take her long to get here. She knocked on my door with a bottle of wine and pajamas on.

"Let's get wine drunk!" She chanted with a smile as she let herself in. I debated whether or not I should tell her I had possible plans tonight, but decided against it. I needed to be with someone who actually cared about me, not at some concert where Luke would ignore me and I'd ultimately feel uncomfortable.

"I don't think I've ever needed it more," I laughed. Mandy kicked her shoes off and sat on my bed.

"Rule number one about drinking wine with me," she paused, attempting to loosen the cork. "It's an absolute necessity to be in pajamas," I couldn't help but roll my eyes and oblige, changing into pajamas as she took the cork between her teeth and pulled it out with a loud pop. I handed her two mugs, sitting across from her.

"I don't have proper wine glasses," I frowned as she poured us each a glass.

"Mugs make it more fun!"

After a glass and a half of wine (And Mandy obsessively talking about her boyfriend), she finally turned the attention to me.

"What's going on with you? I feel like we haven't spoke in ages," she was right, I'd been avoiding any conversation with her and Lea in my week without Luke. Regardless of the fact that I knew I'd be judged, I pounced at the opportunity to get an opinion on the status of Luke and I.

"I don't know," I breathed. "Luke showed up at my door last night. He was drunk and he kept saying how sorry he was," I explained.

"Well, you didn't believe him, did you?" She raised an eyebrow.

"That's the thing," I took a drink. "He really did seem sorry. And I know it's stupid, but I forgave him. He really tried to get me not to go to that party, but I just kept insisting and he said that the... Judging... Or whatever, takes place when you dance together. But Luke and I never danced. We left instead and that got us disqualified. He just kept saying he was sorry and that he missed me and... I don't know. I just caved in," I sighed.

"Do you really think that's the best idea? To forgive him just like that?" She asked after a long break of silence, occupied by the task of her refilling our mugs.

"I don't know. He knows he's on thin ice. It's like he's on his best behavior right now and maybe he was right when he said that we couldn't stay away from each other," I stood to open the window and the effects of the wine made me feel lightheaded.

"Maybe," she mumbled.

"I can't stand him sometimes. You know? He really brings out the worst in me. I don't think I've ever yelled at someone like I have at him and I know I annoy him but-" I stopped, sighing and sitting back down.

"But what?" She urged.

"But I miss him when he's not here and I guess I kind of miss having someone to kiss and to hold me when I sleep," I stared down into my mug. She'd brought a red wine over and I worried that my teeth were tinted pink because of it.

"I understand." She surprised me. "Just... Don't let him think that he's in the clear. Don't let him think you'll do anything he asks just because he's attractive,"

"He wanted me to go to his show tonight," Mandy peered up at me, as if to beg me to stay with her. "But I'm not going," I assured. "I don't want to see his friends and I have a feeling I'd be ignored if I went," I subconsciously checked the time on my phone. "They should be going up to play soon," I bit my lip.

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