Voodoo Doll.

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I didn't pay much attention in Art History. All I could think about was what to wear tonight and how to act. When class ended, I rushed home to find Lea taking a nap. I thought that she had the perfect idea and I pulled her comforter over her body before lying in my bed and doing the same. It felt like hours before I finally fell asleep. I've never been a nap person for that reason: It took me forever to fall asleep.


I was woken up by Lea shaking me.

"If we don't get ready now, we'll be late," I could tell that she had just woken up too by her raspy voice and messy hair. It was nearly 7:30 and I rolled out of bed, following Lea to her closet. She sifted through her clothes before pulling out two bodycon dresses: One black and one red, and handed the black one to me before she began to undress.

"This is a little too much for me," I mumbled as she pulled her dress on before removing her panties from underneath it.

"Come on," she whined. "You'll look so hot and besides," she leaned close to me, as if sharing a secret. "If Luke sees you in that dress, he'll go crazy," she laughed. "They all will," I stared at the thin material in my hands, holding it up to my body to see it'd only partially cover my scar.

"I don't think I have any panties that wouldn't show through," I tried to get out of it. Although I knew that Luke would like the dress, I just didn't want to go out flaunting my body.

"Then don't wear any," she rolled her eyes. "I'm not," I let out a defeated sigh and put the dress on while Lea touched up her makeup.

She, then, sat me down and drew a thick black wing and put red lipstick on me before pushing me towards the mirror.

"Don't you feel great?" She asked, coming up behind me. I did feel great. I looked great. The dress accentuated my curves and made my butt look bigger than it was. I never saw my body in this light. I'd only ever had critiques for myself, but in this dress, I almost looked hot. And the red lipstick added a spark of color that shaped my face nicely. I smiled at my reflection before turning to Lea.

"Yeah," I laughed. "I do,"


Michael picked us up and we rode with him to the bar, picking up Ashton on the way. We sat in a booth, waiting for Calum and Luke to arrive and Michael ordered a round of shots for the four of us. It was just what I needed to calm my nerves. I needed to get through the night in one piece. After a second round of shots, Ashton ordered a beer for himself and a Sex on the Beach for me. He slid it over, giving me a wide grin. I wondered if his intentions were to pick the most sexual drink on the menu... Probably. As Lea and Michael kissed each other, Ashton scooted closer to me, placing his arm on the back of the booth and hanging his hand down to graze my shoulder.

As uncomfortable as it made me, I couldn't wait to see Luke's face when he saw us sitting like this, but I wished it was Luke who had his arm around me. When Luke and Calum entered the bar, Ashton moved his arm from the back of the chair to my shoulders. They stopped at the bar before meeting us at the booth. Calum slid in next to me, sandwiching me between himself and Calum and Luke sat across from Calum, eyeing the contact that Ashton had on my body. His jaw tensed as he took a sip of his beer.


I knew she was only here to annoy me, but fuck it worked. The way Ashton forced her body close to his pissed me off. I wanted to grab him by his collar and punch him square in the nose. Calum, too, for sitting so fucking close to her. I don't know why it pissed me off so much. She looked ridiculous in the bright red lipstick and the skin tight dress. Sure, it made her body look good, but the way she carried herself was a fucking mess. I could tell she didn't want to be here, let alone in that skimpy outfit.

"Val, you look amazing as always," Calum spoke, tearing me out of my thoughts. "I was thinking... There's a party tomorrow night. One of those formal things that you have to bring a date to. Would you accompany me?" My fingers gripped my glass so hard that my joints were turning white. They knew I wanted to take her to that party.

"Don't think so, mate," Ashton butted in, pulling Val's body closer to him. "Come with me, Val," he insisted. I could tell she was confused from the way she furrowed her brow. Fuck, she looked so innocent when she was confused. As much as I wanted to yell at them for doing this, I kept my mouth shut. I knew I would be able to convince her to come with me. They didn't share the intimate experience that her and I did... At least I didn't think they did. She seemed so uneasy around them, I doubted she'd give herself to them. Then again, she hated my guts and she still gave herself to me. Anger flooded through my system as I thought about her with them.

"I-I don't know... Tomorrow is a school night," her voice was so quiet, I hardly heard her.

"Where's your purity ring, Valerie?" I couldn't stop myself from speaking. Her cheeks flooded with red as she stared at me with wide eyes.

"I must have left it in the bathroom," she stared down at her hand. "I don't know where it is, I lost it," I scoffed, pushing my hair out of my face.

"Sure you didn't lose something else?" I snapped, my head crooking to the side as I pursed my lips. Did she fuck one of them? God, I hoped she didn't.

"If you're wondering if I'm still a virgin, then I am," her voice was flat. I could tell she was trying to contain her temper. She looked so hot when she was angry.

"About that party, then," Ashton cleared his throat but I wouldn't let him bring himself back into the conversation.

"We have to go set up," I spoke, standing up and pulling Mikey away from Lea. Cal and Ash rolled their eyes and climbed out of the booth. As soon as we got to the stage, I turned to them. "First song, Voodoo Doll," it wasn't a suggestion.

"Nice move," Michael laughed before picking up his guitar.


"Don't go to that party," Lea told me once we were alone. "Well... At least not with Ashton or Cal. Just go with Luke or don't go at all,"

"Why not?" I furrowed my eyebrows.

"They don't have the best intentions," I snorted out a laugh as I finished the drink Ashton bought for me.

"And Luke does?"

"His intentions are better than theirs, Val. They-" She began, but shut herself up once Michael began speaking.

"Hey what's up, we're 5 Second of Summer and this is Voodoo Doll, an original,"

"One, two, three, four," Ashton counted off and they began playing.

"I don't even like you, why did you want to go and make me feel this way? I don't understand what's happened, I keep saying things I never say," Luke began singing and I couldn't help but roll my eyes.

"Told you this would work," Lea laughed. I gave her a small smile but continued to listen and guilt washed over me. Why am I trying to get even with a boy I don't even like?

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