It's So Weird.

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My eyes jolted open with the sound of a drop. Lifting my body up to see the cause of it, I saw Lea crouching down to the floor to pick up her phone.

"Hey, sorry." She whispered, coming to stand by the side of my bed with a small smile. "I was just getting my clothes and books. I'm getting ready at the frat house though, don't worry." I nodded slowly, hardly comprehending what she was saying.

"What time is it?" I asked, my voice as quiet as her's. I didn't want to wake the sleeping boy next to me, as I wanted to go back to sleep after Lea left.

"Half past six." She brushed a piece of hair out of my face and I let out a dry laugh. "I take it everything went well, then?" I shrugged.

"As well as expected. We're just... Trying again, I guess." Her smile widened as she hiked her backpack on her shoulder.

"I'll leave you to it, then." She shot me a wink before exiting the room and I sighed, lying back down in my bed.

I wanted to close my eyes and go back to sleep, but the way Luke's arm draped over me made me far too warm and I couldn't. I tried to wiggle out of his grip, but he only pulled me in tighter. When I attempted to lift his arm off of me, he groaned and nuzzled his face into my shoulder.

"Valerie, stop." He mumbled into my skin and I sighed, staring up at the ceiling. I wondered what it would be like when Luke wakes up. Would it be awkward? Would our friends judge us for getting back together, or were they assuming that we would? I wondered what Cass would do, seeing as she was so angry that Luke wouldn't sleep with her. Part of me was proud and thankful that he didn't, and I hoped he didn't sleep with anyone.

As I was lying and consumed in my thoughts, a ringing sounded next to me. I ignored it, hoping it would go away or that it was just my imagination, until Luke groaned and lifted himself off of me, clamping his hands over his ears.

"Baby, answer your damn phone." When I was finally free of his grip, I pulled myself out of the bed and grabbed my phone off my nightstand, glancing at the caller ID to see my mom's name popping up for a facetime. I wasn't sure if Luke wanted to go back to bed, so I pressed answer before walking out to the hallway.

"Hi, mom." I couldn't help but smile as soon as I saw her face.

"Hi, sweetheart!" She gushed, setting her glasses on the brink of her nose. "I see you're feeling better." She immediately brought up the brief breakup and my smile faltered.

"Yeah, actually... I am. Luke and I got back together," I told her, leaning against the door.

"That's great news, honey. I'm so glad!"

"He wrote a song for me, mom!" I couldn't help but overshare, but I wanted her to know so badly because Gene never had a boy write a song for her, and I wanted her to spread the information.

"Wow! He must have really missed you! Are you going to send it to me?" I thought about it for a brief second before shaking my head.

"I kind of want the first time you meet him to be in person, not through a video." Her eyes flicked up to the ceiling as she laughed.

"Regardless, dear, we're still very excited." I was surprised at how supportive she was being, especially since I explained to her that Luke wasn't my type.

My parents are huge control freaks, they always have been, and maybe that's where I get it from. But this time, everything feels different. Maybe it was because she saw how broken up I was about me and Luke's split, or maybe it was because I had a radiation of glow coming off me from Luke's confession of love last night.

"I have to get ready for class," I told my mom, unsure whether I actually wanted to go to class. I wanted to sit with Luke all day, lay in his arms, make up for the time we missed. But I've missed so much class that I can't decide if it's worth it.

After saying a quick goodbye to my mom, I crept back into my room to find Luke exactly where I left him. His eyes were still shut and he had a peaceful look on his face. I needed to decide now. Was I going to skip class, or was I going to spend the day with Luke? I knew fairly well that he'd agree to whatever I came up with, but I didn't know what to do.

"Baby, come back to bed." He rasped, pulling me out of my thoughts. It was the second time this morning that he called me baby and my heart quickened. "Come cuddle with me." His eyes opened the slightest amount and I dragged my feet across the wooden floor, crawling back under the covers.

His arms immediately wrapped around my torso and he pulled my body to his. I giggled at the action, my thoughts becoming clear as to what I wanted to do: I didn't want to leave his sight at all today. I need to be with him. I need him to hold me like this for as long as possible. I buried my face into the crook of his neck, closing my eyes and breathing in to smell him.

"Luke?" I asked, my voice hardly audible.

"Yeah, baby?" His voice mimicked mine, soft and quiet.

"Can we skip class today and just lay here together?" His breathing slowed, his grip on me tightening.

"I would love nothing more."


When I woke up, my head was on Luke's chest and he silently scrolled through his phone. As the memory of skipping class just to be with Luke came back into my mind, I sat up quickly. Was it a good idea? Was it weird that I requested it? Was it weird that I felt extremely uncomfortable? Why did I feel this way?

"Morning, Val." He set his phone down, tucking his arms behind his head.

"Um... Good morning." I couldn't help but fidget with my fingers, not knowing what else to do. Just the fact that I know Luke is in love with me makes me feel nervous. I don't know if I love him, but how am I supposed to figure it all out? How does one decide if they love someone else? Especially someone like Luke: So moody and unpredictable.

"Are you okay?" he asked, sitting up and trying to get me to look into his eyes.

"I don't know." I let out a dry laugh. "This is just... It's so weird. You know? Waking up next to you and knowing how you feel about me. It's all just so weird." His expression immediately changed. Once so at ease, now upset and confused.

"Is it a good weird, or a bad weird?" he was clearly worried of my answer and I reached forward to grab his hand.

"A little bit of both." I chuckled. "Good weird because I missed it so much. But a bad weird because I can't stop wondering if I love you, too." His eyes stayed shut fora long time while he nodded, trying to comprehend my words.

"You don't have to figure it out right now, okay?" I cocked my head to the side, trying to understand what he was getting at. "I'm not asking you to figure it out. I just want you to know how I feel. You don't have to feel the same." He pressed a light kiss to my lips and suddenly, I felt a lot closer to him than I ever had before. Maybe I did love him. Maybe this was meant to be. After all, we couldn't seem to stay away from each other. No matter what happened, we always found our way back to each other. 

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