Sunday Mass.

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A knock on the door woke me up with a jolt. As I looked around, I realized that I had fallen asleep on the couch, waiting for mom and dad to return from their date. They would have woke me if they came home, and it's nearly midnight. Where on earth are they? This wasn't like them... The knock sounded again, this time louder. Had they forgotten their keys? Wrapping the blanket tightly around my body, I made my way to the door, opening it, expecting to see mom and dad. Instead, there stood two police officers.

"Valerie Moretti?" One asked, I nodded, wearily. "I'm officer Dale, this is officer Anderson. Sorry to wake you. Mind if we come in?" He flashed his badge at me, and like mom had always taught me, I let the officers in, offering them a cup of coffee or tea, to which they had rejected.

They sat at my kitchen table, patiently. Allowing me to wake up for a moment while I got myself a glass of water.

"So... Uh... What do you need? Sorry if that sounded rude... But-uh-it's just late is all."

"Have a seat." Officer Dale said, clearing his throat. "We-uh-we regret to inform you... This type of news is never warming-" I cut him off.

"Please... Sir, just tell me." Dale glanced at Anderson, who nodded and took over.

"Valerie, I'm afraid there's been an accident. Your parents... We couldn't do anything to save them" My mouth went dry—

I woke up with a gasp and tears pricking my eyes. It took me a second to realize where I was, but when I saw Luke sleeping next to me, I felt safer. It was just a dream, I tried to tell myself, mom and dad are fine. I wanted to crawl next to Luke and lie my head on his chest, but he was sleeping on his side with his back to me. I also wanted to call mom and dad just to check on them, but it was 3 in the morning and I didn't want them to worry. Instead, I got out of the bed and sat on the floor next to Petunia. She was chewing on one of her stuffed animals and I sat with her for a while, petting her and trying to forget about my horrible dream.


When I woke up, Valerie wasn't in bed with me. Panic washed over me, the sun hadn't come up yet so she didn't go to class. Upon sitting up, I saw her on the floor. Her small hands were raking through the fur on Petunia's back. She looked so peaceful that I wanted to turn around and go back to sleep, but it was late and we had class in the morning. I knew she needed to sleep.

"Val?" I asked. She jumped slightly, causing me to smile. "Are you okay?" I tried to keep a cool tone. I didn't want her getting mad at me and storming out. It was much too late for her to walk home alone and I wasn't about to get out of bed to drive her.

"Yeah," her voice was hoarse. "I just had a nightmare," she tried to shrug it off as nothing, but I could see the unease written on her face.

"Come back to bed," I whispered, pushing back the comforter so she could crawl in. When she did, her skin was cold. I pulled her body close to mine and she quickly fell back asleep, but I couldn't. What if she had another nightmare? Who would be there to hold her?


It took longer than normal for me to get ready, seeing as Luke and I had to constantly maneuver around each other in the bathroom. I settled on mascara and lipgloss and put my hair in a high ponytail. When I was done, I went back to Luke's room to give him privacy so he could shower. I changed out of my pajamas and into a light blue dress with a halter top. It stopped at the middle of my thigh and showed off quite a bit of my back. Normally, I'd wear it with my white cardigan, but it was much too warm for that today. I put my white flats on and sat on Luke's bed. I still had an hour to get to class and I had to wait for Luke to drive me back to campus, so I called my mom to pass the time.

"Hello?" She picked up on the second ring.

"Hi mom. I just wanted to see how you and dad are doing," I couldn't help but smile to myself as Petunia set her head on my thigh.

"We're doing great, honey. I'm on my way to a fundraiser that Reverend Matthews is hosting," my smile faded upon the realization that I didn't go to church last week.

"That sounds nice," I mumbled, playing with the hem of my dress as Luke walked in. He had a towel around his waist and I couldn't help but stare at the way the muscles in his back contracted.

"How are the churches near you?" Mom asked, forcing me to tear my eyes away.

"They're great," I stared at my lap. My dress was almost as light of a blue as Luke's eyes. "I went to Sunday mass at Corpus Christi. It's not as great as our church, but it'll have to do,"

Luke stared at me as he pulled on a pair of jeans, smirking.

"So what's the fundraiser for?" I changed the subject. I knew if I talked any more about the churches near me, she'd see through my lie.

"The Anders' youngest girl has cancer," I couldn't help but make eye contact with Luke as she spoke. He pulled on a shirt and winked at me. I felt bad about smiling after the horrible news she'd told me.

"Well tell her that I wish her all the best. Say hi to everyone for me, I have to go to class," mom sighed.

"Okay, I love you sweetheart," I could hear the smile in her voice.

"I love you too," with that, I hung up and Luke walked over to the bed.

"Sunday mass," he mocked with a smirk on his face.

"Shut up," I rolled my eyes, standing up to grab my backpack.

"You didn't go to Sunday mass last week," he laughed, pushing hair out of his face.

"That's because I was busy," I walked past him and to the door, signalling that we had to leave. Luke grabbed his keys and followed me out.

"Are you sure that you don't just skip church all together when you're not home because you really only go to get your parent's approval?" He challenged as we walked down the hall and stairs, out of the house.

"I don't know what you're talking about," I frowned as I got in his car. "I love going to church," he didn't reply. "Did you know that Old Catholics consider it a sin to miss Sunday mass?" I asked.

"You've been doing a whole lot of sinning lately," his face was straight. I was sure he'd have a hint of humor written in his features, but he didn't.

"You're right," I frowned, staring down at my nails.

My ring sat on my left ring finger, wrapped around to remind me that I have a gift to give. Each second I spent with Luke, I was closer to giving up that gift.

"Well, I'm not going to sin anymore," I stared out the window, knowing that wasn't true. Luke laughed loudly, almost mocking me.

"You can't not sin," he pointed out. "Everybody sins, it's impossible not to with all those fucking rules and regulations," his grip was tight against the steering wheel. He was right to be mad, I'd just told him that I wouldn't hook up with him anymore. Even if I didn't mean it, he was right to be angry with me.

"That's a double negative," I told him, trying to weasel my way out of the conversation. He pulled over in front of the building I had my first class in.

"Look, I have to tell you something," he began, but my hand was already on the door.

"I'm going to be late for class. We can talk later," and with that, I left him alone. 

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