Talk Dirty.

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Luke sped down the highway, passing each car in his way. The 45 minute drive took 30 and he kept his right hand on my thigh, rubbing circles into my skin. I felt like my insides were slowly twisting themselves into a knot. All the sweet words and confessions he'd made in the past 24 hours combined with the heated kiss we'd shared on the beach, made me want him so bad. I wasn't sure what we'd do when we got to his room, but I was ready for whatever he had planned. I was also ready to give him something in return. I was planning to suck up my shyness and give him the release he needed.

Luke pulled into the driveway of the frat house, screeching to a halt and grabbing my hand before rushing inside. As we made our way past the living room, Ashton came out of the kitchen with a bowl of cereal in his hand.

"Hey Luke, where's your shirt-" he began with a mouthful of food, but was cut off.

"Hey Ash, fuck off," Luke snapped, quickening his pace. He dragged me along with him, up the stairs and to his room. Petunia lied on her be in the corner, not bothering to look up as Luke slammed the door shut. As soon as he did, he pulled my body to his and presses his lips against mine.

His hands found my waist as he walked into me, gently ushering me backwards. When my legs hit the edge of the bed, he pushed me down. I stared up at him with need and he smirked before climbing on the mattress and hovering over me. His lips found mine, our tongues tangled with each other. He kissed down my neck, sucking harshly and causing a small squeak of excitement to leave my throat. He bit down on the tender area and I gasped, fisitng at his hair.
"If you want me to stop, just say so," he whispered in my ear before kissing the lobe and moving to another portion of my neck to suck and bite. When I didn't reply, he pushed up my top, yanking it over my head. His kisses peppered down from my neck to top of my breasts and he sucked my skin. "God Val, you're so hot." He rasped, pulling away. I arched my back up so he could unclasp my bra and he tossed it on the floor.

One hand played with my right nipple while he sucked on the other and I panted, letting out a slight moan when he pulled away. In the moment, I didn't care that he was leaving bruises across my pale skin, I just wanted more of him. He kissed down the valley of my breasts, pulling my skirt off and throwing it with my other discarded clothes.

"Fuck," he mumbled, running his fingers over the lace. I sucked in a breath and his eyes focused on me. "Is that what you want?" He asked, running his fingers along my heat again. I bit my lip, nodding. Luke pushed the material aside, letting me feel his fingers against my bare skin. "You're so wet," he continued to rub me and I moaned softly. He moved up to kiss my neck. "Do you like it when I talk dirty to you?" He asked when he heard my moan and I couldn't bring myself to reply. His pace was much too slow, and he knew he was killing me. He ceased movements, pulling away. My heart was racing, I felt like it could jump out of my chest. "Answer me." He demanded and I pinched my eyes shut.

"Yes," I breathed.

He rubbed over me again, surprising me when he slipped a finger in. I let out a moan, bucking my hips up. He held them down with his free hand, slowly pumping in and out, replacing one finger with two. His mouth connected with my nipple again and I moaned. All the stimulation felt like too much and not enough at all. It's been so long since we've done this, and I felt myself quickly getting worked up.

"Luke," I moaned and he stopped.

"Not yet," he pulled his fingers out. "I'm not done with you yet, baby." He kissed me, his tongue exploring my mouth as I came down from the high that almost had me crashing. Once my breathing slowed, he broke off the kiss and started to rub me again, his deft fingers moving in slow circles. He sucked on the skin of my neck again and I moaned at the pleasure I felt with his fingers and the pain when he bit the tender skin below my jaw.

Pretty Girls   ⇼ Luke HemmingsWhere stories live. Discover now