Better Off.

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3am and I haven't slept at all. My thoughts were racing and I couldn't get them to stop. Valerie stirred next to me, causing my heart to pang. How am I going to leave her in a couple hours? There was blood on her thighs, seeping through the cloth of her panties. I did that. I stole her purity. And for what? To leave in a couple hours?

I don't know if I can handle saying goodbye to her. How was I supposed to leave after that? Her first time having sex, and my first time have sex with someone I care for. And in the morning, when I leave, she'll cling onto me and beg me to stay. I made a mistake tonight. She'll never get over this. Her first time, thrown out the window, given to someone she knows will leave in the morning, whether I want to or not.

Maybe I should just make it easier on both of us. Maybe I should leave now. Change my ticket and get out of here before she wakes up. That's the easiest way, right? If only she'd come with me. If only she'd at least visit. Then, I'd know things would be okay. If I knew I'd at least see her in these past three months, then I'd know I can keep a hold on this.

But I'm no good for her. I'm too angry, too impulsive. I've hurt her too many times. Would she even want to be with me after three months? She'll find someone new, someone who treats her better, and move on from me. Maybe I'm just her stepping stone. Someone she used to get to a place where she can have a healthy relationship.

I need to leave. I need to go, get out of here. If she wakes up and I'm here, who can tell what's going to happen? But if I leave while she's asleep, we'll both walk away broken-hearted. At least, then, I have control over when I get hurt. I would have control over the inevitable breakup.

Sighing, I wriggled out of Val's grip and stood beside the bed. She looked so innocent, that I couldn't help but cover her shoulders with the blanket. At least I can give her this one, last good night's sleep. I pulled on my jeans and shirt that I left out for this morning, stuffing my feet in my boots and grabbing my suitcase.

After putting it in Mikey's car, I went back for Petunia. She was lying at Val's feet, sleeping soundly, but springing up when she heard me grab the leash.

"Come on P," I whispered, but she only whimpered and set her head on Val's leg. It was like she knew what I was about to do. She knew I was leaving Val without any explanation. "Don't look at me like that." The dog immediately looked away, staring at the pretty, sleeping girl. "Fine. I'll leave a note. Happy?" Petunia finally jumped of the bed, allowing me to clip her leash on. I walked over to my desk, scribbling down some meaningless words and placing the paper where I was sleeping.


We lived without each other before, we can live without each other now.

I'm sorry it had to be like this.

We're better off this way.

- Luke'

Perfect. Cold and callous, just like she knows me to be. I gave her one last look-over. I couldn't help myself from leaning over and kissing her forehead. She stirred, a small smile playing on her lips. So pretty, so innocent.

"Goodbye, Val." I whispered, swallowing the lump in my throat before leaving my room for good and waking up Mikey to take me to the airport.

This is it. This is our goodbye. I need to leave because I can't make this work. I need to leave her. I don't want to, but I need to. It'll happen eventually, it might as well happen now. I need to do this. I need to leave. But why is it so hard?

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