Covered in Vomit!

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I could tell that his intentions weren't for me to land on the ground, let alone in my own vomit, from the shocked look in his eyes, but he maintained his hard composure.

"Get up," he ordered. I wanted, with all my will, to get up and walk away from him, but I just couldn't. I don't know what came over me, but I began to cry. "Oh, come on," he complained. I watched as he huffed, setting his hands on his hips and impatiently tapping the ground with his foot. "Quit crying," his voice was cold and hard. Luke pulled at his roots, letting out a long sigh as he looked at all the people who were outside; watching our interaction. "Please stop crying," his voice was softer, but still angry. I held my breath, trying to calm down. Luke crouched down, folding his hands. "Why are you crying?" He asked in a harsh tone, lowering his voice to a whisper.

"Because I'm sitting in puke and you're yelling at me!" I nearly shouted.

"Valerie," he growled through his teeth. "You need to take a deep breath and calm down," he told me. "If you keep yelling, the police are going to come and I know you and half the people in there are underage," he warned. I did as he told me, taking in a deep breath and calming my breathing as Luke stood.

Once again, he pulled me up by my arm. This time, he was quick to let go of me once I got my balance. I took another deep breath before turning on my heels and walking away from him.

"Where are you going?" He asked, running after me. When I continued on, he grabbed my wrist, pulling me to a stop.

"Home." I growled, trying to leave. Again, he grabbed my arm and pulled me back.

"What, are you going to walk?" He laughed. "It's three in the morning, you'll be murdered,"

"Then I'll find a bus," I began to walk away and this time he let me, following after me.

"Then you'll be mugged," he laughed at me again. I clenched my jaw, balling my fists. I was getting sick of all the mockery.

"I don't care," I spat. And neither does he, for that matter, so why is he stopping me?

"Valerie, just stop," he demanded. "Cass is in one of the empty rooms. You can stay with her," he offered. "Or don't. I don't care," he turned around, heading back to the house.

"Wait," I called, running up to him.

"What?" He nearly yelled, sounding exhausted.

"I'm covered in puke," I stated, causing him to roll his eyes.

"Yeah, I can smell it from about a mile away," he began walking again and I trailed after him.

"I can't sleep covered in vomit!"

"Then maybe Ashton will lend you a shirt," his response surprised me enough for me to stop in my tracks. What does Ashton have to do with anything? Had Luke spotted Ashton with his arm around me and misinterpreted it? Why would he care either way? Luke kept walking, disappearing into the house. When I got into the house, I spotted Luke at the top of the stairs and rushed after him. I got to the room he went into as soon as the door shut. After my second knock, Luke pulled the door open, glaring at me.

"Will you show me the room?" I asked, earning a cocked eyebrow.

"Aren't you going to change?" He prodded.

"No... I-I don't want to bother him... I'll just... Figure something out," with a displeased look, Luke ushered me to the last door on the left, pushing it open to reveal Cass sleeping in a large bed.

"It's an empty room," he told me as I walked in. "You should lock the door," I ignored him. I heard the door shut and thought I was finally alone, but Luke stepped in front of me. "Why don't you ever answer me when I talk to you?" As intimidated as I was by his tone, I rolled my eyes.

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