Get Away.

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"I don't know what to do." I sighed, plopping on the bed. My legs were bent at the knees and my feet were planted on the ground, my back on the mattress with my arms at my side as I stared at the ceiling, wondering if I'd lied there long enough, maybe I'd sink into the mattress and become nothing but the foam that Lea lies on to help her adjust to the hardness of the springs. I was in the same position that Luke was lying in the first time I straddled his lap. Right before he leaned up to kiss me and—

"I don't know either," Lea said, breaking me out of my thoughts. She lied down next to me, her right arm resting on top of mine and looked at me. My head rolled over so I was looking at her, too, and I wanted to cry. Why did I have to let myself be drawn in by Luke? Why did I have to let him hurt me? "Can I be honest?" she asked and I nodded immediately, in need of clarity.

"I don't think he deserves a second chance," she stated, her head rolling to look at the ceiling, but I still stared at her, watching her face for any hint of emotion. "I mean, he's fucked you over so many times. He doesn't deserve it. People like Luke... They think they can just go around and fuck with whoever they want and in the end, everyone is hurt but them." She took the words out of my mouth before turning her head back to me. "Not this time, though. He's hurt, too, because he really cared about you. Now, he's feeling what he makes all the other girls feel. He deserves to feel as miserable as he does." This time, I was the one to look away. I couldn't look at her and ask what I wanted to know. I'd hear it all in her voice, and if she gave me the answer I didn't want, I didn't want her to see me cry. She'd seen my tears enough lately.

"Do you think he was with other girls?" I asked. "When he was with me?" She was silent for a long time.

"No. Actually, I don't." Sincerity was hinted in her voice. "Since I've known him, he's had a different girl everyday. But not with you. With you, he was different. It was like... Like no one else mattered." I wished that were true. If no one else mattered, he wouldn't have taken the video. Or he'd at least tell me about it.

"I don't get it." I let out a dry laugh. "He changed—in a lot of ways—and he didn't even tell me or try and make it right. He just shows up and expects me to accept his apology." I looked back at Lea, who was combing her fingers through her hair.

"I don't think you should forgive him." Silence fell on us. "Well... I mean, unless he does something really fucking special, because he fucked up really bad."

"I wish I could just get away," I admitted, sitting up. Lea followed in my lead, grabbing my hand.

"Where would you go?" she asked.

"With my mom and dad. Go see my nephew." I smiled at the thought of them, knowing that only they'd be able to make me feel better at a time like this.

"Then do it. Go. Fuck school. Take some time for yourself to unwind and forget about this mess." I wanted, believe me, but I couldn't.

"My parents would know something is up. And I can't miss class."

"Val." Her voice was serious. "Tell your parents that you have a week off of classes because of—shit, I don't know—a faculty death. And tell your professors that you have an emergency at home. I know you're ahead in your classes, they'll understand." I thought for a long while before finally nodding. "And when you come back, the door will be fixed—I'll make sure of it. And I'll also make sure that Luke stays away. He won't know where you went or when you're coming back. This is for you."


I woke up in Lea's bed. I begged her to let me stay on her side with her and she hugged me, playing with my hair as I fell asleep. When I awoke, she was sitting at her desk, getting ready to start the day. I sent a quick email to my professors before packing, and Lea told me that she and Michael would drop me off at the train station on their way to class. The train ride was long and exhausting, but at least I'd stopped crying. I imagined what it would be like to come home with Luke, but quickly pushed the thought out of my head because I didn't want to think about him any longer. I guess it's better this way, mom and dad would have hated him.

Pretty Girls   ⇼ Luke HemmingsWhere stories live. Discover now