She's Kinda Hot.

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I couldn't get out of that restaurant any faster. That dickhead was holding Val's hand under the table and it was driving me crazy. As soon as I finished eating, I rushed outside and lit up a cigarette the second the door shut behind me. My back found a brick wall and I took in a large breath of smoke, letting it infiltrate my lungs, before blowing it back out. It'd been far too long since I'd had a cigarette and it felt so fucking good to finally cave into the temptation. I stood outside, waiting for the boys to finish so I could drive them home. I knew they were taking their sweet ass time on purpose and that pissed me off to no end.

When the bell finally rang, signaling that someone had left the restaurant, I tore my eyes off the floor and to the doorframe, expecting to see Ashton and Calum, but they were still eating. Instead Mandy, Jeremy, Val, and that other guy walked out laughing. I took another puff and pushed out my chest, trying to seem tougher than I felt.

"Luke," Mandy sneered and I rolled my eyes.

"Mandy," I sneered back.

"How's the coke problem?" She sent me a smirk and Val lightly smacked her arm.

"Does the carpet match the drapes?" I shot.

"Alright, that's enough," Mandy's date stepped in, but she held her hand out.

"Go get the car. We're fine," she spoke and the two boys obliged, leaving the three of us alone.

"Are you coming tonight?" I turned my attention to Valerie.

"I thought you quit smoking," she noted and I flicked the cigarette on the floor, stomping it out and giving her a wink.

"Not what I asked-"

"Coming where?" Mandy interrupted and I let out an angry huff.

"Luke's band has a show tonight," Val explained with a small smile that made me feel like she was proud of me. My chest tightened.

"You're not going, are you?" Her tone was disgusted and I just wanted her to shut up already. Val shrugged, her eyes finding the floor.

"You can come too," I told Mandy. I didn't really want her to come, but I felt like if I got her to agree, Val would tag along.

"I don't think so," she laughed.

"Come on," I urged. "Let your hair loose, have a couple drinks. My boys and I will show you both a good time," Val's eyes shot up at me with jealousy. Did she think I was flirting with Mandy?

"Maybe. Val and I will talk about it later," in my experience, maybe typically meant yes.

"We'll sing that song for you, Val," I bit my lip, staring at her and she blushed. God, she looked so fucking innocent when she blushed. She opened her mouth to say something, but was cut off by a horn honking. Mandy held a finger up to the car, telling them to wait and the pair didn't budge. Maybe that meant I'd convinced them to come. "Who's the ball and chain?" I leaned back against the brick wall and Mandy rolled her eyes.

"Rob," she muttered, crossing her arms.

"You don't seem so happy about being here with him," Val narrowed her eyes at me. God, Val, stop thinking I'm flirting with her. I'm doing this to get you to come, not her.

"I'm breaking up with him in-" she paused, checking the time on her phone. "Approximately half an hour," this news didn't come as a surprise to Val. Maybe that's what they talked about when the boys went to the bathroom. I didn't ask why she was breaking up with him, I didn't care. Maybe if I got Cal or Ash interested in Mandy, Val would start coming around the group more often. My best bet was Cal, seeing as Ash had been going on about Monica Wheeler possibly coming tonight.

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