Take a Picture.

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I woke up feeling great for the first time in a long while. I didn't feel tired or crabby, I just felt happy and ready to face the day. As I shut off my alarm, I turned to Luke, who pulled his pillow over his head to protect himself from the light flooding in through the window. I couldn't help but smile and as much as I knew he wanted to sleep for a little bit longer, I pulled the pillow away from him. I watched as his brows furrowed and a small smile appeared on his face.

"Morning," I whispered and he tore his eyes open.

"Good morning baby girl," he rasped, pulling his hand to his face so he could rub his tired eyes.

My heart fluttered at the pet name, as I couldn't recall a time where he'd called me anything so sweet. I sat up to get a better look at him, seeing that his legs were being pinned down by Petunia, who was chewing on one of stuffed alligator toy.

"How'd you sleep?" He asked.

"Great." I smiled, pushing my hair away from my face. Luke finally tore his hands from his face, placing them behind his head to prop himself up. A small sigh left his mouth as Petunia jumped off the bed. "How did you sleep?" I asked in return and he smiled.

"Like shit," he chuckled and pulled my hand to his mouth, pressing a small kiss to the back of it. He got out of bed and poured some food in Petunia's bowl before grabbing his phone off the nightstand and checking the time. "Do I have time to shower before I take you back?" His eyes didn't meet mine, instead glued to his phone as he replied to a text.

"Yeah." I hoped he didn't plan on taking a long time, because I still needed to shower at my dorm.

"You can come with if you want," he said, shooting a wink my way and I couldn't help but roll my eyes. As much as I wanted to shower with him, I didn't think it'd be a good idea. I still didn't want him to see my body like that.

"I'll just shower when we get back to my dorm." He laughed at my reply, pulling off his boxers and grabbing a clean towel. I didn't bother to close my eyes this time. I didn't know what possessed my eyes to travel down his body, but I couldn't help but stare. Luke turned around with a small smirk and my face burnt up as I tore my eyes away.

"Take a picture, it'll last longer." He teased, tying the towel around his waist before pressing a light kiss to my lips and heading to the bathroom.

After Luke showered, got dressed, took Petunia out, and drove me back to my dorm, he sat on my bed as I showered and got ready. Lea and Michael were still sound asleep, seeing as she didn't have class until noon today (though I wasn't sure of Michael's schedule). I decided on a short maroon pleated skirt with a short sleeve black and white striped top that left my shoulders uncovered and my black flats. I dried my hair and curled the ends, putting on a light line of black eyeliner with mascara and lipgloss. When I was done getting ready, I met Luke back in my room to find him typing away on his phone. He seemed irritated, so I didn't say anything as I hung my towel and gathered my books for class.

"Are you okay?" I finally asked, sitting on the edge of the bed. He set his phone down with a sigh, looking over at me. His phone vibrated on the mattress, lighting up from a text. I couldn't help but let my eyes wander down to the phone to see 'May' as the sender.

"I'm fine," he answered, and I tore my eyes back to him. I didn't think he was, but I didn't want to make a big deal out of what very well could be nothing, so I just sent him a small smile. I still didn't know who May was, he'd only mentioned her once and didn't give any clues to how she knew her. I felt like I should have known, so I didn't ask. I missed the opportunity to ask when he brought her up in the first place. Maybe I'll ask Lea later today, I'm sure she'd know. "Do you want to head out early? Get some coffee before class?" It was only 8:15, but I nodded anyways and followed Luke out the door.

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