Nothing to Talk About.

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My eyes peeled open, but quickly shut once the sun entered my vision. My head was pounding and I couldn't take the pain spreading to my eyes. The acid in my stomach began to rise up, but I swallowed it down, not wanting to get up just to vomit. How much did I have to drink last night? I raised my arm to cover my eyes, hoping to block out more of the light. My bed was soft, softer than it's ever been. Then again, maybe that was because every muscle in my body ached. And the blankets were comforting. I felt them dip into me and fill me with warmth. I didn't want to get out of bed. I didn't want to check my phone for the time.

I knew that if I did, I would see the texts from Luke, begging me to forgive him. If I looked at them, I knew I would consider it. I knew I would consider the choice of talking it over and getting back together, but I didn't want him to win that easily. I wanted him to know how much he hurt me. I wanted him to hurt as much as I did, but at the same time I didn't want him to hurt at all. If I could have it my way, Luke would be pain free, and so would I. If I could have it my way, this never would have happened. But it did. Oh god, it did. I can't just forget that it did, no matter how much I want to.

A sigh came from my left, but I still didn't open my eyes. Maybe if Lea thought I was still asleep, she'd leave me be. I didn't want to talk to anyone, especially not with the hangover I had forming. I debated turning on my side before deciding against it due to the sound of metal clinking together.

"Come on P. Knock it off. Don't wake her up," Luke's voice was quiet and my eyes sprang open, my arm ripping away from my face as I whipped my head over to him. His eyes were soft and inviting. He was sitting on the window sill, bringing a cigarette to his lips as he stared at me. Despite the window being open and the fresh breeze rolling in, I still felt like I had no air to breathe. "Morning sleeping beauty." I suspected humor in his tone, but his face was flat—showing no emotion whatsoever.

"What am I doing here?" My tone was the exact opposite of his. It seemed like he was trying his best not to scare me off, whereas I was angrier than I'd ever been. Did he call me while I was drunk? Did I pick up and allow him to lure me here? Did he have sex with me while I was incapacitated?

"Relax." He sighed, putting out his cigarette. When did he start smoking again? "I helped you last night. I slept on the floor, look." He pointed to my right and I glanced down to see a single blanket and pillow lying on the hardwood floor. I felt bad for taking off his bed, but also felt that he deserved the back pain.

"What do you mean?" I brought my knees to my chest, trying to make myself as small as possible. Luke stood up and walked over to me, sitting on the edge of the bed. I scooted away from him, trying to create more distance in between us.

"Walter tried something on you." his voice was still soft, despite the anger I was showing him.

As he was sitting closer to me, I noticed the stubble on his chin and the bags under his eyes. He looked like a mess, like he hadn't slept since I left.

"Yeah, what?" I rolled my eyes. I vaguely remembered meeting Walter last night, but I also remembered leaving him inside.

"He put something in your drink, Val. You called me. And when I got there he was trying to-" he stopped and I let out a shaky breath, not wanting to hear any more. "So I beat the shit out of him. I tried to take you home, but I couldn't find your keys." I didn't bring my keys to the party. Lea brought hers and assured me that we'd leave together. "You shouldn't have left the girls. I've told you a million times not to wander off at parties. This is what happens when you don't listen. You could have gotten hurt," he nagged and I rolled my eyes, not believing that he actually cared. I suddenly wondered what had happened with the girls and grabbed my phone off of Luke's night stand, frantically opening up my text messages.

From Lea: Val where are you?

From Lea: Luke told me what happened. I'm soooooo sorry, I should have stayed with you.

From Lea: Please come home soon. I'm sorry!

From Mandy: Hope you got home okay!



From Monica: Where'd you run off to?

From Monica: Did you find a new man to wow you? ;)

From Monica: Holy shit. I didn't know Walter was like that. Please don't be mad! :(

Locking my phone, I tossed it on the bed and sighed. I knew Luke deserved an apology, but I couldn't bring myself to look at him. Why did I call him? Out of everyone, why him? Sniffling, I tried to stop the tears from falling, but ultimately failed.

"Can you take me home?" I asked, just wanting to be with Lea.

"I was actually hoping we could talk." Luke looked at me with desperation, but I shook my head.

"There's nothing to talk about," I told him. "Not anymore."

"But, I was thinking that... Well if we have a conversation, maybe we can work this out." He pleaded and I wiped the tears falling out of my eyes.

"Don't you understand, Luke? We're never going to work out." I whispered. It hurt to tell him that because I wanted, more than anything, for us to work out.


She was crying again. She's always crying and I know it's wrong, but I can't bring myself to comfort her. She wouldn't want me to anyways. Her eyes were forming to the bright green hue that they always turned when she cried. I wanted to hug her, to hold her, but I know she'd only pull away from me. I tried to pull her in anyway, interlacing our fingers, but she did what I thought she would and retracted her hand, leaving my grip.

"Valerie, I'm sorry, I-" she cut me off, her face turning red with anger.

"No! You're not sorry!" she yelled and I couldn't help but widen my eyes. She'd hardly ever raised her voice at me, let alone like this. "You're never going to change, Luke. I'm so stupid for ever thinking you would!" Her bottom lip was quivering and I looked away from her. I wanted to reply to her, but what was I supposed to say? I don't trust myself to say anything anymore. When I didn't reply, she huffed in annoyance and pulled on her shoes, grabbing her phone and walking out of my room. Seconds later I heard her knocking at another door. "Michael, can you take me home?" she whimpered and I watched the pair walk down the hall before falling onto my bed, staring at the ceiling.

I wondered where she'd been this week. I wondered if I'd ever see her again. Did she switch out of the classes she had with me? I thought about the freckles lining her back and the way she laughed when she was with me. I thought about all of our special moments and how she changed me into a better man, and I want her back. I fucking love her, and she doesn't care about me anymore. I can sleep without her. When I do sleep, I dream about her and I wake up crying. I've never cried this much.

I didn't care that Cass wanted to hook up or that all these girls were begging me to teach them what I taught Val. I didn't care that the boys wouldn't shut up about how stupid I am. I know I fucked up. I wish I didn't but I did, and there's nothing that can take that back. Without knowing what else to do, I sat at my desk and started writing a song about her. Maybe that would win her back. Would anything I ever do win her back?

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