Luke's Father.

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(Picture is May)

"Are you ready?" Luke asked as he put his car in park. We were outside a beautiful, small house with flowers lining the pathway.

"Not really." I let out a dry laugh, pulling down the sun visor to look in the mirror one last time. After Luke and I ate lunch, I took a shower to ensure I had enough time to get ready. I curled my hair and drew a thin line of black eyeliner on my top lid with mascara to top it off and my favorite lipgloss. To wear, I chose a white blouse with a black skirt that stopped just past the middle of my thighs with black flats.

"What, are you nervous?" He asked with a small smile.

"Aren't you?" He hasn't seen his father in so long, how is he so calm about all of this? He shrugged, lighting up a cigarette. To pass the time, I pulled out my mascara and touched up my eyes. I noticed Luke staring at me out of the corner of my eye as I ran my finger along the bottom of my lip to fix my gloss.

"Relax!" He laughed, taking a drag. "You look great." I wanted to ask why and when he started smoking again, but I didn't. I figured that maybe he was nervous, and smoking cigarettes was his way of coping.

"I'm not good at meeting new people," I told him, though he already knew.

"People love you," he said, his eyes focused on his cigarette as he ashed it. "You make a great first impression. I'm sure my aunt will love you." I smiled at his comment, but still felt anxiety. I'm sure it'd be tense in there, and I wasn't sure if I was ready to deal with it. Not only with Luke's father being there, but with Garrett as well. I worried whether Luke would get into another fight. If he did, was he more likely to get in one with his father or Garrett? I had so many questions in my mind that I knew wouldn't be answered until I met his father. All I knew was that he was an angry drunk who walked out on his kids. I wondered if he changed at all. If he still drank or if he knew if Luke was coming.

"Thanks for doing this," he said, taking me by surprise. "I wouldn't be here if you weren't with me." He tossed the cigarette butt out the window before setting his hand on my thigh and giving it a light squeeze. "It... Um... Means a lot." Embarrassed, he looked away.
"I'm glad to be here." I tried to hide the excitement I held from his words, but lost my grip then he looked back at me with a shy smile.
"We should go in." He pulled his hand away from my thigh and opened his door to climb out of the car. When he met me on my side, he grabbed my waist and pressed a rough kiss against my lips. I giggled into his mouth before pulling away and staring up at him. "I..." he began, "think we should go in." Nodding, I followed him up the path.

Without knocking or ringing the bell, Luke walked into the house, interlacing our hands and leading me through the hall and to the living room, where there was a girl and boy our age—I assumed to be May and Garrett.

"I'm glad you came." The girl smiled, pulling herself off the couch and sending a glare to the boy, telling him to stand as well. Once he did, she grabbed his arm and pulled him to us. "I'm May." She pulled me into a hug. Surprised, I let go of Luke's hand and hugged her back. "It's nice to meet you, Val!" she gushed. "I've been begging Luke to bring you around!" I glanced at Luke, who shrugged, and wondered when he'd brought me up to her. We hadn't been dating for a week, why would he tell her about me? "This is my boyfriend, Garrett!" She happily introduced and I smiled at him, noticing his black eye. He shook my hand before turning to Luke and they smiled at each other. I let out a breath of relief that I hadn't even known I was holding in. Maybe that's just how boys are. They dish it out, then everything is fine. I noticed that May didn't have Luke's accent and assumed she grew up in the states. "You should go say hi to mom. She's in the kitchen," she told him and he snaked an arm around my waist, whisking me away from the couple.

May was a lot like Luke, tattoos scrawled on her arms. She had thick eyeliner and long brown hair that stopped at her ribs and was dressed in all black. Garrett had short black hair that covered his forehead and he wore a navy blue shirt that showed off his sleeve of tattoos with black skinny jeans. When we got to the kitchen, I saw his aunt. Her brown hair was cut into a bob and she had a small, thin frame. She wore a thick purple dress that went down to her knees, but showed off her figure nicely, and a white apron over it to protect her dress. She wore a diamond necklace, earrings, and bracelet to match her wedding ring. Her fancy jewelry didn't match the small house or the cheap decorations, but I felt like she wanted to impress Luke.

"Hey Aunt Teresa," Luke called once we entered the kitchen. She immediately stopped setting the table and rushed up to him.
"Luke!" She pulled him into a hug, but he tensed up and didn't hug her back. Although the gesture was kind of rude, I felt somewhat of a sense of pride. He hugged me, but he wouldn't hug someone he's known his entire life.

"This is Val," he mumbled once she pulled away and she, then, hugged me. I didn't want to be rude, so I hugged her back. Her Australian accent was thicker than Luke's, but sounded lovely nonetheless.

"Your father and Uncle Dave are in the backyard. Why don't you go say hello?" She suggested. I guess Luke's family had a habit of forcing him to say hello to each member before he was able to relax. I suppose he wouldn't greet them unless prompted to. She looked me up and down with a wide grin before going back to set the table.

Luke walked to the door leading to the back and stared out at the patio. I immediately recognized which one was Luke's father by his long blonde hair with gray highlights, slicked back and pulled into a low ponytail. They lacked his lovely curls, but still held a slight wave. He was wearing a leather jacket and smoking a cigarette. Maybe that's where Luke got his style. Maybe he was seeking approval from the father that left him. My heart tinged at the thought, and Luke opened the sliding door. The other man was balding and had a large frame. He looked a lot like May with his kind eyes and large smile. When Luke opened the door, the pair stopped talking and Luke's father took a drink of his beer. I guess he didn't stop drinking, after all this time.

"Hey." He shoved his hands into his pockets as he stepped out into the heat and I followed after him, nearly hiding behind his large frame.

"Lucas." His father grinned. "You've grown up." He held the same, cocky smirk that Luke had and I already disliked the man.

"That's what happens in 16 years," Luke spat out. I wanted to reach out and grab his arm, but I was stuck standing in shock. This isn't really the way I thought their reunion would go. I thought, at least Luke's father would be happy to see him.

"And who's this lovely lady?" he asked, his accent dripping down his tongue.

"My girlfriend. Val." Luke was extremely unattached to his words and I felt embarrassed to be there. I felt like I didn't belong.

"Never thought I'd see the day where Luke would settle down," his uncle joked with the same American accent as May and I, and Luke shrugged.

"What can I say? She's a pretty great girl." I looked up at him with a smile on my face. Suddenly, I didn't feel so out of place anymore.

"Glad to see you're still drinking." Luke turned his attention back to his father, who merely smiled.

"I'm sober three years." He told him. "Thought it was time to reconnect." Luke rolled his eyes at the statement.

"Sober means you don't drink."

"Sober means I don't get drunk," Luke's father retaliated.

"Let's go back inside." His jaw was tense and before I could reply, he pulled me back inside.

"How'd it go?" His aunt asked with high hopes.

"How do you think?" he snapped, pulling me into the living room and sitting down with his cousin and her boyfriend. 

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