Part of the Band.

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Michael gave us a ride back to campus after we woke up in the morning. He dropped Cass of at a small house down the street from campus and Lea and I in our dorm. He stuck around for a while because, in his own words, the longer he stayed, the less he had to clean. As the couple sat on Lea's bed, they pried into me with questions.

"So what'd you do after I lost you?" Lea asked, wrapping her hands around Michael's arms, setting her head on his shoulder.

"Um... Well I threw up," I shrugged, earning a small laugh from her. "And then Luke pushed me in it," I stated before going back to my business on my phone.

"He... Wait what?" Michael asked, holding a concerned expression.

"We were arguing and he pushed me in my vomit," they exchanged glances before Lea sighed.

"That's Luke for you," she shrugged.

"I don't like him," Michael let out a loud laugh.

"No one likes Luke." He told me. "We just put up with him because he's part of the band," Lea was hardly paying attention to the conversation, she was engulfed in trying to get Michael's attention back on her.

"Band?" I questioned further.

"Yeah, babe," Lea laughed. "They're in a band. Isn't that hot?" She winked at me, fanning over Michael.

"It's nothing big," he shrugged. "We just play at some bars and house parties," my mouth formed in the shape of an 'o'.

"Luke used to be great," Lea admitted. "I mean... He's always been rude but before he'd apologize for it. I don't know what's gotten into him," she frowned, her thin body leaning into Michael's. He wrapped an arm around her shoulders.

"Drugs," Michael muttered under his breath. I pretended not to hear him and let them have some privacy as I showered.

"We do drugs, too. It's not an excuse," Lea sighed as I left the room.


As I entered the room again, a haze of smoke plagued the small area.

"Shut the door," Michael whined, and I complied, shutting the smoke in with us.

"I have a question," Lea brought up, shifting in her bed to face me. "I just want to know why you choose to wear a purity ring," her voice was sweet, though she spoke slowly due to her intoxicated state. I frowned, finally turning to the couple. "Come sit," She offered, patting the spot next to her. With reluctance, I obeyed and took the place between Lea and the wall. My eyes fell to the bong in her lap. "Wanna smoke with us?" She offered, causing my eyes to widen.

"Oh... Um well... I don't know," I let out a small, breathy laugh. "I-I've never," Lea gave me a comforting smile before holding up the bong for me to see.

"It's okay. You don't have to," she assured.

"Well... What's it like?" I asked after a few seconds passed.

"Calm. Happy. Everything's funny. You'll probably talk loudly. Oh, and you'll want food," Michael answered, grabbing the bong from Lea and taking a hit.

"Yeah, but you could also get a little paranoid," she mumbled. "But only if you smoke too much," she reassured, but I felt like she was lying. I'm sure I've heard of people who don't smoke because they always get paranoid.

"Okay," I gave in, knowing if I passed something up like this, they may never ask again. With a big smile, Lea grabbed the bong back and held up a lighter.

"So you just light the top of this, then you suck in and pull the piece out to suck up all the smoke," I stared at her, confused as she demonstrated.

Pretty Girls   ⇼ Luke HemmingsWhere stories live. Discover now