saturday pt.2

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"jimin? did i say something wrong? are you alright?" i asked quickly, getting up and kneeling before him. i saw my friend handle these things many times; i know a bit but not all.

"n-no." he mumbled, "you d-didn't-t say anyt-thing bad-d."

"then why are you crying?"

"i-it's just be-en a long t-time since anyone h-has been n-nice to m-me." his stutter became more prominent. i have to admit it was cute, but don't assume anything. okay? okay.

"oh, jimin-ah." i stood back up and took my place on the swing next to his.

"don't cry." i put my hand lightly on his arm and he flinched but didn't motion for me to move it.

he ceased crying pretty soon after managing to rope in his emotions. i felt really sad, now. he cried because i was being nice to him. what kind of shit has this boy been through?

"jimin-ah?" i stood up, "do you need a hug? i feel like you need a hug."

i am not a person who generally gives hugs but something told me to hug him.

jimin hesitantly stood and wouldn't move forward so i pulled him in. he tensed up so i hugged him tighter. it felt... nice to hug someone. it's been a long time since i've hugged anyone.

his arms soon found their way to my lower back and hung loosely there. i didn't want to break the hug. i actually liked it. he didn't pull away either.

"jimin?" i questioned and he looked up with me still hugging his small frame.


"i know you're a little."

"oh." he looked down and pulled himself out of my grip. i frowned. he began to run off, back in the direction of his house but i caught him.

"jimin, that's not a bad thing." i told him with a serious tone. i wanted him to understand my point that i was silently trying to get accross to him.

he looked at me confused. "e-everyone thinks-s so, though." he muttered.

"but, i don't."


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