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IM BACK GUYS!! CAMP WAS AWESOME EVEN THOUGH EVERYTHING HURTS SO MUUUCHH. I MADE FRIENDS AND THERE WAS A LOT OF CRYING ON OUR LAST NIGHT cause it really is our last night as a small group with our leader :(( I'm back on the bus now and my friend is asleep on me, haha. Anyways, this is also chapter 50 so WOW


"i'm going to kill it within the first few seconds." i groaned. jimin just laughed.

"yoongi, no you w-won't. just pret-tend it's your real baby and then maybe you won't do-o as bad as you think you will." jimin said, flipping a page.

"that's even scarier. i have no experience with babies and i don't want to fail this class." i pouted, feeling unsure about the outcome of our assignment.

"ne-either do i. you'll be okay, yoongi. if you're careful and ca-are for it, you'll be okay."

"so i have to pretend it's you but smaller and can't talk and isn't alive." i raised my eyebrow.

"no, not necessarily. p-pretend it's our baby since we are ta-aking care of it together. i know y-you don't like babies, much less little kids that much, but m-maybe this could ch-change your mind?" jimin suggested. my heart skipped a few beats when he put emphasis on the "our".

"maybe, we'll see." i nodded, feeling my eyes begin to close, "i'm tired."

"that's why you n-need to go to sleep when i tell you to. gosh i s-sound like my grandmother. i'm just l-looking out for you."

"i know and i love you for that." i gave him a quick kiss and jungkook pretended to gag.

"shut up, i never gagged when you and tae kissed." i rolled my eyes.

"yes you did!" Jungkook argued.

"whatever." i huffed. jimin had invited jungkook over without me knowing. i had zero idea that they knew each other. i was friends with he and tae before i moved and we lost touch. jimin never mentioned them before. jungkook is the little i mentioned as an old friend. tae is his boyfriend. tae was out for the week at his aunt's funeral so he couldn't come.

"weird to see you two together." jungkook added, taking a sip of his drink.

"how so?" jimin asked, not looking up from his papers. 

jungkook shrugged, "just because we all used to he friends but not at the same time and then we all ended back up together." he laughed, "weird."


"you do it. i'll break it." i stepped away from the box.

"yoongi, baby, you won't break it. i promise. you just need to calm down. if it was our real baby, hell i'd be scared of breaking it, too. but, this isn't a real baby." jimin laughed, his eyes crinkling up to the point they almost disappeared. i love his smile. it's so... innocent.

i sighed, "okay." it still surprises me when his stutter seems to disappear but i say nothing. we've been working on it a lot when neither of us can sleep. i admit i will miss it but if he wants to try to fix it, i will help him.

jimin fumbled with a few things but then it made a noise and i yelled, "AH!" out of instinct. he laughed harder than i thought he would.

"it's a robot baby, yoongi! it won't kill you!" he carefully handed it to me and i held it like he told me to.

"this is weird..." i muttered.

"suck it up, yoongi. we're grad-duating soon and you want to p-pass this class, right? yes, you do."

"okay, mom. whatever." i teased.

"so, if i'm mom, that ma-kes you dad. how does that sound, daddy?" he bit his tongue, giving me a look that made me particularly... uncomfortable.

"since when have you become so... dirty?" i sighed. he calls me daddy but that's only when he's in full little space and in no other way than that.

jimin shrugged.

"my little boy is growing up!" i dramatically pretended to cry all while still holding the fake baby.

"shut up! i'm seventeen!"

"i'm eighteen, haha i win!"

"no, you are eighteen tomorrow. that doesn't count." jimin clicked his tongue.

"close enough."

"see, holding a-a baby isn't so hard." jimin noted. i honestly forgot it was there.

"robot baby." i corrected, fearing what it may be like to hold a real baby.

"just cool it, honey. you'v-ve got this." jimin gave me a sarcastic thumbs up and i stuck my tongue out at him. we are seniors in high school and yet i feel we'd be more fit as eighth graders.

"you've been calling me honey a lot lately." i noticed. i didn't mind it. i find it cute.

"i just feel like c-calling you that, is it o-okay?"

"of course it is. but, i'm tired. does this thing have a switch or...?" i was afraid to move my arms to look.

"no, if you read the packet. it's made just like a real baby. if it w-a-akes up and starts crying, you've got to wake up and get it to stop. like. a. real. baby. got that?"


"don't be snarky with me. i'll put you right back downtown."

"ouch." i looked away.

"oh, yoongi, i'm sorry. i was just kidding." jimin jumped up and grabbed me.

"it's alright, jiminie. i know you didn't mean it." i scratched the back of his head to get him to release. he has a soft spot on the back of his head that makes him shudder. it's funny to watch.

if you are wondering what it means, just think about it. i don't want to talk about it. that wasn't a fun time.

jimin and i made a place for the robot baby to sleep and then readied ourselves. i moved in with jimin a few days ago since my birthday is tomorrow. i was going to be kicked out by my foster parents anyways. it was nice for them to (kind of forcefully) get me to come stay with them for a while. i've been staying at his place most days for almost seven months now, it isnt much different.

"in my opinion, i like taking care of this baby much more." i said, getting into bed next to jimin. my baby and the one i like much better.

jimin blushed, "g-goodnight, yoongi." he smiled, holding either sides of my face while he gave me a small kiss.

"goodnight, jimin." i closed my eyes and scooted closer so our sides were touching. after the events of the last couple months, i never want to be apart from jimin again in fear history might repeat itself. jimin knows what to do, and i do too. we make a pretty good pair if you ask me.

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