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i was greatful to be able to get a bit of sleep over the weekend. we have to keep the baby until monday which was dumped on us suddenly and not many people were happy with it.

tae and jungkook were over but i was sleeping. them being here didn't stop me. it was nice to see tae again after so long.

he sat next to me, submerged in watching the two other boys play together, deep in little space. i would be talking to taehyung but i'm just really tired, which he understands. they had to do this project as well but a few months prior.

"how did you two end up together?" taehyung wondered, looking over at me.

i shrugged, "a lot of things. he was quiet, cute, and getting bullied so i grabbed him and now we are here and i couldn't be happier." i explained, my voice slightly monotone by my want and need for sleep that just wouldn't come.

taehyung chuckled, "cute. how'd you find out he was a little? did you find max and that stack of coloring books he hides in his closet?"

"no, i actually knew before we started dating. i kind of sensed it by the way he dressed. i figured it out the day this all began. some guys told him to kill himself and long story short we ended up on the bathroom floor with me cuddling him." i laughed, remembering the day all too well. it saddened me to think of the circumstances we came together under but i'm thankful for them altogether.

"that's gotta make a fun story to tell people in the future. sadly enough you got to witness when jungkook and i finally confessed to each other." taehyung teased.

"you guys forgot i was there!" i said in defense. i gave up on trying to sleep. taehyung was about to answer when the both of us were ambushed by two giggling boys.

i sputtered out a few curses when jimin's knee hit my crotch but i sucked it up, trying not to let it show.

"hey, baby." taehyung giggled, running his hands through jungkook's hair. jungkook giggled and pressed himself into taehyung's chest.

"are you having fun?" i turned to jimin who's hair was fluffy and messy. he grinned at me and kissed my nose.

"yes!" they cheered in unison, making tae and i laugh. jimin turned around on my lap and laid back.

"well, we should be going now." taehyung sighed, looking at his clock on his phone.

"daddy! but i'm not tired!" jimin complained and jungkook nodded in agreement.

"taehyung is right. we've all got school tomorrow." i kissed jimin's head, hoping he'd begin to fade out of little space before the stupid robot baby began crying again. it was just laying on the couch, not doing anything, so i say we are safe for a few more minutes or so.

we said our goodbyes and as if i could have called it, jimin was out like a light, sprawled out across our bed. i smiled and put the robot baby down in its spot.

i gently moved him over and turned on the fan. i flipped off the lights and crawled in next to him. he let out a long breath and grabbed onto my arm.

"goodnight, baby." i kissed the top of his head and let myself fall asleep without trouble for the first time in a while.

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