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Third Person POV

Yoongi was gone. Nobody had seen him since he ran away from Jimin after school.

Yoongi's foster mom says he has done this many times before and they just need to wait a little while. He usually ends up at this place just out of town. He spends a few days there on his own but comes back once he cools down.

Jimin was frustrated with himself. Was it something he did? Did he make Yoongi mad? Was it the thing with Hoseok?

Jimin was practically pulling his own hair out. He wasn't this stressed even when Yoongi was out sick. This is because Jimin thinks he's done it. He thinks he is the reason.

"P-please come back, Yoon-ngi." Jimin muttered, sitting at his window. It was raining. He was hoping, just hoping to see the familiar figure walk by, giving some indication he was back.

He huffed and laid down on his bed.

"Don't stress yourself out, sweetie." His grandmother said, walking into the room. She leaned down and picked up Jimin's stuffed Simba toy and Max. They were across the room where he'd thrown them out of anger and frustration.

"I'm j-just worried ab-bout him. He's b-b-been getting quiet and-d distant. I know-w something is bothering him, and I j-just want to help him but I s-seem t-to be doing s-something wrong."

"You're not doing anything wrong. He's just got... Things going on. You have you remember that you guys are teenage boys, things are changing. Plus, you know about what's been going on with him in the last month. He's just really stressed. You have to just understand he needs some time to himself. Everyone needs that."

"I know," Jimin sighed, latching onto Max, "I just c-care about him, a lot. I get worried for him easily, especially now. I've never seen him like t-this, really."

"I know you do, and maybe it's good that you're seeing this now. You know how to care for people, Jiminie. He's taken care of you so it's your turn now. You get what I'm saying? When he gets back, just try to ease his mind. Don't ask him about what's wrong. He will talk to you when he needs to."

Jimin nodded, "I will. I just wish he'd come back faster." He muttered the last sentence.

"Alright, well, you should try and get to sleep, okay? Try not to think. Just remember each day that passes is one day closer to him coming back." She kissed his forehead and left the room.


Yoongi was back after a few more days. He ran out of money after buying his last bus ticket.

Jimin wanted to go out and look for him but it was just a waste of time. Yoongi's foster mom theorized that he'd probably go to Jimin's house instead of his own. So, that left Jimin sitting on the front porch, large blanket wrapped around his shoulders. It was heavily raining. Something told him that Yoongi was walking which Jimin didn't like. Not in this weather.

He waited for hours. He just say there, watching as cars passed and leaves were blown down the street. He enjoyed watching how the water flowed down it.

Yoongi hesitated, seeing Jimin waiting on the porch but continued walking towards him shortly.

Jimin said nothing but hugged him, not minding getting wet. Yoongi was shivering and soaked.

Jimin grabbed the large, heavy blanket and wrapped it around him. He began to lead him inside but Yoongi stopped, shaking his head.

He didn't want to go inside and Jimin couldn't understand why.

Yoongi sat down on one side of the porch swing and waited as Jimin ran inside to grab a few towels and a new shirt.

He coaxed Yoongi into getting off his shirt to put the new one on. Jimin hung the wet shirt over the railing. He then wrapped the blanket over the both of them, figuring Jimin could use his own body heat as well to warm Yoongi.

It was scary to see Yoongi so quiet and still. It was like he was in a permanent daze. He kept staring into space. He made no sound whatsoever.

Jimin didn't try to get him to talk but held his freezing cold hands in his, trying to warm them.

They sat out there for a while. It became warmer under the blaket so neither boy complained.

Jimin closed his eyes and softly sang a song that Yoongi loves. It's a soft love song he'd fallen in love with a while back. Jimin sensed a small smile play at Yoongi's lips.

Jimin moved his arm, feeling that Yoongi's hair was still very wet. He grabbed one of the towels and began drying it. Yoongi didn't oppose but he in fact enjoyed it. It made him feel a little more... There. He'd been feeling spaced out, evidently distant.

Jimin managed to keep him grounded. The whole reason Yoongi came back was because of Jimin. If he didn't have him, Yoongi would have been long gone. He'd be off in another city, getting a job, living in a tiny apartment; basically restarting his life as a new adult. The idea always sounded wonderful to Yoongi but as long as he keeps Jimin around, he can't do that.

He can't leave Jimin for good.


As much as it would hurt Jimin, Yoongi knew it would hurt himself even more.


A/N: I gave up and came back after two days, hey kids. I got to play with some sugar gliders today, and I'm hopefully adopting some! How are you guys doing? I'm sorry for always making you guys sad! It's just my style of writing- I like provoking people's emotions through writing. I swear I'm not evil, haha.

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