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"I love you, Yoongi." Jimin giggled, rolling over in the grass and on top of him. Looking down, he smiled, earning himself one in return.

"I love you, too. You mean so much to me, you don't understand." Yoongi wrapped his arms around the younger's waist.

They kissed momentarily but it was broken by the jabbing feeling at Jimin's sides.

"Yoongi!" He yelled, trying to get away. He managed to regain his breath from laughing and got to his feet. He ran towards the playground with Yoongi slowly catching up to him.

They both laughed as Yoongi chased Jimin up and down the playset.

Yoongi eventually caught Jimin, tackling him into the grass.

"Not fair! You're stronger AND faster than me!" Jimin complained, being pinned down by Yoongi. They completely disregarded the odd looks from a family that just walked up.

"You never cease to make me happy, Yoongi. Thank you for always being there."

"Of course, Jimin. I'll always be here to make you happy."


it's been a few days since jimin got the call that his grandma was in the hospital. a minor collision on the highway but it would leave her hospitalized for a while.

he was so quiet in the car there but he eventually broke down, telling me to drive home. he didn't want to see her- couldn't see her.

he freaked out once we got back to my house, seeing that he'll be staying with me for a few days. he locked himself in the guest room and hasn't come out for two days.

i gave up after an hour of trying to get him out this morning. i grabbed some food, sticking it by his door with a water bottle, and left for school.

"i'll be back later, jiminie. love you." i told him before leaving.

i hoped he had eaten something i left him but sadly, he hasn't.

"jimin, i'm home. won't you please come out?" i asked, softly knocking on his door.

i got no response. i sighed and left. i will try again later tonight. he will leave to use the bathroom at some point, i'll just catch him after that. my surprise attacks make him laugh so maybe it will work now.

but, i don't think that is the best idea. trying to make someone laugh to make them feel better only works sometimes. other times, it requires more than that. hugs, kisses, and smiles don't always fix everything.

it was agonizing to know jimin was cooped up in the guest room. he hasn't eaten. i felt guilty for not trying harder to get him to come out. i mean, i am his boyfriend and all and i love him to death but i think he just needs to be alone right now.


it was nine p.m and i figured i waited long enough.

i softly knocked on the door, "hey, jimin." i spoke softly as well, not wanting him to think i was mad, which i'm not.

"i just wanted to tell you good night, if you're still awake. feel free to go and eat if you're hungry. i'm going to bed soon," i lied, sleeping has never been easy for me, and especially not after the last month, "if you want to join me, you can. i'm here if you want to talk, you know that."

i waited a few moments, "good night, jiminie." i sighed under my breath and walked up to my room.

i'll let it be his decision. his perfect grades won't be and haven't been affected by the days he has missed so i think he's okay.

i looked over my shoulder just in time to see jimin hesitantly park himself in the doorway.

"y-yoongi... there's something i n-need to tell you." he muttered. he held his hands behind his back and i feared what he is possibly hiding from me.

we sat on the side of my bed and he pulled his arms into his lap. there were deep cuts and scratches all over them. i felt my throat tighten. but, the thing is, they looked old.

"h-hoseok-" jimin stuttered out, avoiding eye contact with me, "he-"

"got expelled? i heard but i didn't know why..." that's when the realization finally hit me.

"he didn't..." i asked in disbelief.

jimin nodded, a few tears falling from his eyes. i felt everything inside of me begin to boil with anger.

jimin confirmed my worst fear.


A/N: Heyo, so that flight suuuucked. I was falling asleep in the middle of LAX waiting for the next plane. I couldn't sleep on the next plane and was cooped up with a strange old guy who looked like Dwight Schrute. I slept from 10am to like 4pm haha.

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