hoseok pt.2

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A/N: Thank you nerds, now I have to make this thing 100 chapters. But hey, I don't really mind it ;) Also, I wrote this chapter a while back at like 3 in the morning so I don't even know what happened here...hehe. Anyways, enjoy....!


hoseok messaged me. my first instinct was to ignore it but the way his words sounded... it just made me feel sympatheitc.

he asked if the three of us wanted to meet for lunch sometime this week. i didn't really like the idea but, it would he the three of us. maybe it has been six almost seven years since he raped jimin but it's something i'll never forget. fuck, that sentence pained me to say.

i consulted jimin about this. he was hesitant like me but we talked about it. in conclusion, we decided that one lunch couldn't hurt.

i was nervous but i told myself, maybe he's changed. yoongi, he used to he your best friend. but he changed so suddenly! i'm arguing with myself now, aren't i? i know it's been 6 or so years but the thought of what he did still haunts me. jimin says he's over it- meaning he doesn't like thinking about it. if i could, i'd have jimin stay home. but, jimin wants to come with me so i won't stop him.

i was free on saturday, whereas jimin's schedule is subject to change but we made it work. we agreed upon the coffee shop my mother and i went to a few months ago- you all remember that, don't you?

"we'll m-make it quick, okay, yoongs?" jimin said, putting his hand on my waist from behind me. i hummed in response.

he grabbed the car keys and headed towards the car, "just ten or so minutes, how's th-that?" he asked.

"that sounds about good." i agreed.


my heart lurched to my throat once seeing him enter the room. this is my once best friend- someone who did something so terrible to jimin. but, those old memories began flooding back.

remembering how happy he always made me- and it's been quite a few years. i just need to relax a bit.

"hi, hoseok." i said lightly, forcing myself to smile. jimin waved shyly.

"i just... i just want to tell you guys that i'm sorry. for everything. i wanted to do it in person, that's all." hoseok began. the two of us just sat and listened intently.

"i guess- back a those years ago- i was jealous. i was jealous of you guys and what you had. i could tell you two were obviously meant for each other. i always put up this face for myself- being homophobic. i-i was in love with you, yoongi. i'm s-sorry." hoseok looked down.

(magicalJams you, my daughter, are the reason this chapter is happening cause you gave me this idea thanks hun).

that makes sense. but, i would never have thought he felt that way about me.

"oh, it's okay- for that part, hobi." he flinched, hearing his old nickname.

"jimin- jimin i don't know why i did any of those things to you. i know neither of you will forgive me, i just feel so horrible."

"it's alright...it w-w-was a long t-time ago." jimin said quietly. i sighed to myself. i didn't like hearing when jimin stuttered. he usually doesn't unless he's stressed or scared or nervous, something along those lines.

i slipped my arm around his waist.

"it's not alright, jimin. what i did to you is absolutely terrible!" hoseok said, rubbing his temple.

we talked for a little while longer on the subject until it became a little heated. so, hoseok decided to change it.

"all that aside, uh, congrats on your engagement. i know it's not legal here but still, congratulations." he smiled a little but it looked pained.

"thanks." jimin and i said in unison.

the three of us finished our drinks in awkward silence.

"i should be going now..." hoseok said, biting his tongue.

"it was nice seeing you, again, hobs." i patted his back before he hurried off, hiding his face from us.

"well that w-was awkward." jimin laughed.

"yeah," i chuckled in response. we threw our trash away and walked out. it was a nice day, today. we weren't going to waste it just sitting inside.

"do you believe him?"

"of course i believe him, i knew his apologies were sincere. i just can't forgive him."


"do you?"

"y-you know me, y-yoongi. everything tells me to b-b-but i just can't. it's making me feel s-so guilty." jimin looked down at his feet as we walked.

"you shouldn't feel guilty, jim." i rubbed his back. i know how bad his guilt can get to him.

he turned suddenly, hiding his face in my chest.

"what's wrong, jim?"

"i don't want people to see me c-cry, daddy." he mumbled. he'd slipped. he never does in public places so i can understand how be feels.

i patted his back, telling him to jump. he latched himself on and i turned us around.

"we'll go home now, okay, baby?" i said in a low voice as we passed a group of people who gave us disapproving looks. i gave them a dirty look in response, sticking the middle finger up as i continued to hold onto jimin.

"daddy, they gave me a bad look." he sniffled.

"don't mind them, baby. they're just meanies." i told him softly and set him down next to the passenger door. he nodded.


"huh?" he looked over at me, curious but puffy-eyed.

"i love you."

his face turned red and he shied away.

"you don't love me, too?" i said, sounding offended but silly at the same time.

he popped his face back out and grabbed mine in his hands, turning me towards him.

"of course i do, daddy!" he giggled and kissed me. i smiled, running my hand through his hair. god, i love this kid so much. so much it physically hurts me.

"you know you're the best thing that's ever happened to me, right?" i said, becoming serious. he slid across the bench seat, englufing me in a tight hug.

"you're my everything, yoonie."


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