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Third Person POV

"I think you should just give her a chance, Yoongi. You saw what she said." Jimin stated, twirling his chopsticks through his fingers.

"That's not the point, Jimin. Why does she show up now of all times? Why not when I was eighteen? Eleven? Three?" The older huffed and set his utensils down.


"Jimin, I know it's different for you since your parents can't legally see you, but this is my mom we're talking about. She just up and left us both! Now she wants back into my life?"

Jimin shut his mouth. He doesn't like thinking of his parents.

"Exactly, Yoongi. You have a chance to rebuild a relationship with your mother. Even your father if you wanted to." Jimin was feeling irritated and frankly a little mad that Yoongi had brought up Jimin's parents.

"It's not that easy, Jimin."

"It's not that easy? Yoongi she's practically begging you!" Jimin raised his voice a little. He began to feel anxious.

Yoongi stood up and began to walk away.

"You can't keep running away from your problems, Yoongi. I understood it years ago but you're an adult now. You have to learn how to deal with these kinds of things."

Yoongi responded by slamming their bedroom door. Jimin sighed and put his face in his hands.

Yeah, Yoongi and his mother didn't have the best encounter the other day at the hospital but still. Jimin really thinks Yoongi needs to give her a chance. Really, she did one thing to him. That's it. And twenty-six years ago. Sure, she had to give them up but Yoongi doesn't even know why. She probably couldn't take care of them. Really, she was thinking in their best interest. Jimin had to live for fifteen years, praying that his parents would give him up.

But, Jimin can also understand what Yoongi is feeling. This is the mother he hasn't seen since he was born. Jimin can understand the resentful feelings. But, Jimin still wants Yoongi to consider giving her a chance.

The younger sighed and stood up. He put away the dishes and cleaned from dinner before retreating towards their shared bedroom.

Jimin softly knocked on the door. He waited a few moments and when he got no response, he walked in. He found Yoongi under the sheets, curled around a pillow.

"Yoongi?" Jimin asked softly, walking over to the bed.

Yoongi hummed in response. But, his response sounded tinted with anger. So, Jimin stepped back a bit.

"Yoongi, I'm sorry but I was just trying to give you my opinion. But, I respect if you don't want to." Jimin softened his voice, not wanting to fight anymore.

He walked to the other side of the bed to face Yoongi.

Yoongi hid his face in the pillow.

"But, seriously, Yoongi. You have to stop running away from your problems. I might not always be here to beat the idea into your head, or cuddle you when you get hurt." Jimin crossed his arms.

"I know." Yoongi sighed, sitting up and letting the pillow fall from his arms.

"I love you, Yoongi, and I j-just want what's best for-for you. You know that."

Yoongi nodded shamefully.

"I say, just give her one ch-chance. One lunch together. If it goes bad, then you don't have to give her anymore."

"Okay," Yoongi mumbled. Jimin leaned down, kissing Yoongi before telling him to get in the shower.

(mmm just little sTuFf coming up)

"With you?" Yoongi asked, shocked, and he stepped into the bathroom. Jimin pulled off his shirt and turned on the water.

"No, you're taking a shower and I'm just going to sit on the floor. Think, Yoongi." Jimin teased Yoongi and patted his head.

Jimin stepped into the water, soon followed by Yoongi who's face was red.

"Yoongi, honey, we've done this before. Why are you acting so weird now?" Jimin laughed and kissed Yoongi, pressing their bodies together. Yoongi shrugged. Jimin pulled back momentarily to push Yoongi against the wall, then returning to kissing him. The hot water ran down their backs.

Jimin trailed his hand down Yoongi's side. He'd always wondered what it was like to be the dominant one. But, only if Yoongi is okay with doing... What Jimin has in mind.

Yoongi let out a small whine as Jimin began to move his hand down. He felt Yoongi's breath hitch and Jimin smiled to himself.


Yoongi POV

i wasn't expecting it to hurt as much as it did. but, jimin was really slow and sweet about it. i mean, i knew it was going to hurt. our first times were and was in a damn car, i'm sure you remember that, haha.

it hurt like fucking hell. i will admit that. but, not for long. i felt kind of bad now, knowing what jimin feels at first. i apologized yet he found it funny.

"we should have taken a shower after, not before." i chuckled softly, feeling his hot and heavy breaths against my chest.

"eh, i d-don't want to take another one right now." jimin mumbled, intertwining his legs with mine.

i grabbed the sheets and pulled them up over us. i wrapped my arm around his torso as he pulled me closer.

i snuggled in tight and made little sound as i yawned.

"you're so c-cute. i love you so much." jimin chuckled, rubbing my back softly.

"i love you, too."

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