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we spent a few days in america. we visited the most popular and touristy spots before heading home.

if i'm being honest, i made a bunch of posts on my social media to make my friends jealous/mad. plus, showing off my favorite human isn't a crime.

"how was america?" my foster mom asked as i walked inside with my things. i was shocked that she actually asked me.

"fun." i answered.

"you've got another test on saturday." she told me, still immersed in whatever she was reading.

i swallowed, "another one?"

"you know it's for the best, yoongi."

"i-i know..."

"you're not going to get better without them. and honey, if it gets worse you know we will help you." she looked up from her book.

"o-okay." i nodded and ran up to my room. i thought i was getting better. my hands began shaking and i started crying.

i don't want to have to go through that again. what if it doesn't work this time? i wouldn't have cared if it didnt work a few months ago but now i have a reason to be alive. jimin. i can't leave jimin.

i shook my head, pulling out my phone to ask jimin if i could come over.

jiminie: miss me already?

yoongi-ah: yes ^¬^

jiminie: okay fine, just sleep over because i'm tired. i'll probably fall asleep on you fair warning.

yoongi-ah: i'm okay with that. i'll be there soon.

i took a deep breath, telling myself to suck it up and that i'll be fine. it worked last time and i've been fine for the longest time now so who's to say it will come back?

i went back down the stairs and slipped out the back door unnoticed.

the walk to his house isn't very far. just a few blocks. the sun was just beginning to go down. it cast bright colors across the clouds. pretty.

i knocked on the front door and it was pulled open by a sleepy-looking jimin in a fluffy white sweater that ended at his knees.

he rubbed his eyes, "hi, yoongi."

jimin dragged me inside and lazily up to his room where he jumped onto his bed. he patted the spot next to him.

"you're so cute."

"no i'm not!"

"yes you are!" i argued back. i was feeling in the mood so i figured i might try to get him into little space before he fell asleep. i am still yet to see what he's like in full little space.

he already knows i'm fine with him calling me daddy. not in a kinky way, though, as you probably know. i don't have a daddy kink. i just find it really cute. he's slipped up on calling me it a few times and always gets embarrassed afterwards.

i leaned over him, "you're my cute baby." i tickled his sides. he giggled.

"i am not cute!" he defended once again. he grabbed my hands, looking up at me. i could tell he was struggling to keep them open so i gave up, wanting him to get to sleep.

"i'm tired, daddy." he yawned, stretching his arms up and around my neck. i smiled. he goes in so easily when he's tired.

"okay, baby. sleep." i kissed his nose and unwrapped his arms so i could turn off the lights.

"goodnight, jiminie. i love you." i whispered as he cuddled into my side. i'm not one to say that phrase very often but with him, it's just different.

he muttered an i love you back in response, putting his thumb in his mouth. i hadn't seen him do that since the day in the bathroom when all of this started.

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