mud pt.5

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A/N: Long chapter ahead so be prepared heh... Uh anyways on with the story and thank you guys for reading "Paracosm".


"y-yoongi. n-no." i dropped to my knees, seeing his lifeless form in front of me- all bloody and broken. i didn't make it in time. too late. we were all too late.

"i'm sorry, yoongi." i said and i broke down sobbing, holding his lifeless body in my arms, "i'm so sorry, yoonie." my heart felt like it was going to just stop. i thought my heart was going to be beating fast but... it just wasn't. i couldn't help but think that this was all my fault. i told him i didn't trust him- but didn't mean it like that. i didn't know what i was saying.

of course i trust him. i trust him with all my heart- with my whole life.

slowly, his body began to disappear. i tried to hold onto him just a little longer but in the end i was left with nothing.

yoongi was gone.


i shot up, gasping for air. my cheeks were stained with tears. jungkook looked back at me, "you okay, jim?" he wondered. i looked around. i was in the back of the car, now. i must have fallen asleep after taehyung took over driving.

i nodded slightly and slumped against the window.

"it's okay, jiminie. we're gonna get him back safe and sound." jungkook assured. i wipped my tears away but they just kept coming. jungkook muttered something to taehyung and he pulled to the side of the road.

jungkook switched to the backseat. he pulled me into his arms, hugging me tight. "i'm scared, too, jiminie. but, i know them. they've never killed anyone." i nodded and melted into his warm embrace. i missed being so close to he and tae. i remember all the nights when we were younger when they'd come over and just hug me until i was done crying- or felt better- or something like that. they truly are the best people you can ask for.

"he's right, jimin. they've never killed anyone. he'll be a little beat up but he's strong. he's been through worse." taehyung added in and pulled into a gas station. he hopped out and left jungkook and i alone.

"don't worry, okay? i promise you that we will find him." jungkook kept me flushed against him. i wasn't complaining. it was comforting.

"thank you guys for coming with me. i would have no idea where to even begin." i sniffled.

"it's no problem, chim. anything for you and yoongs." jungkook kissed the top of my head and i chuckled, "we love you, kid."

"i love you guys, too."


"we're here..." jungkook mumbled. we were parked outside of an old-looking house with a high fence around the front. this was, i guess, yoongi's brother's house. i was a little nervous to meet him. what will he think of me? does he know yoongi is even married? or has a family?

the three of us walked up to the front door and jungkook knocked. it was opened a few seconds later by a man who, well, looked like yoongi. only, his facial features were more defined and he had longer, darker, hair.

"jimin!" he cheered and grabbed me, pulling me into a tight and abrupt hug. i wasn't expecting that. he knows who i am? maybe he and yoongi talk still? but why had yoongi never told me about him... i blocked the thoughts out of my mind and regained my balance.

"h-hi." goddammit. i stuttered.

"i've got my bazooka and i'm ready to fuckin' party." he chuckled and walked past us to taehyung's car. i just looked at the two boys who shrugged their shoulders. jungkook leaned in and whispered in my ear, "he's a little... uh... funny in the head."

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