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"i'm going to kill that bastard." i said, my face dead serious.

"y-yoongi, no. i don't want you to get into trouble for h-hurting him." jimin said, his hands jittering.

"but he-" i groaned out of frustration and pure anger. i used to be do close to him. he seemed to... change. it feels like i barely know who he is now. a stranger to me.

"hell, i'm sorry, jimin-ah. i just can't believe he'd do such a thing to you." my chest contracted. i can't believe i didn't know for so long. why didn't he tell me sooner?

"sorry fo-or what? you di-idn't do anything."

"i should have just said no and not gotten the treatment. it probably didn't even work. it hurt like hell and left me all fucked up. i shouldn't have left you alone, jimin. especially since i feared something like this might have happened- which it did."

"but you were sick. i would never have allowed you to stay." jimin held onto my pointer finger.

we talked for just a little while longer on the subject before jimin found himself getting tired. we'd go see his grandma tomorrow after school.

my hands began jittering but i hid them in the pillow, not wanting jimin to question it.


{Time Skip}

Third Person POV

Jimin never thought he'd begin to see Yoongi in such a way so soon. They had just reached their six month mark when Jimin began to notice it more. It was getting harder for Yoongi to suppress it.

It started with his hands or his legs. At first, he thought it was just a side effect like those random moments of passing out. He would just play it off as if he had bad anxiety or was stressed out.

Yoongi moved seats after finding out what Hoseok did to Jimin. He also saw a reoccurance of people teasing Jimin while Yoongi couldn't do anything about it. It killed him, so he got permission to move seats.

Having Yoongi so close to him all day made him notice the strange things Yoongi was doing.

As days passed, it seemed to get worse for Yoongi. It was getting harder to hide it. Yes, he sits in the back of the class but people still tend to stare when his knee jerks up and hits the top of the table, or if his pencil goes flying across the room.

Jimin pulled Yoongi aside in the hallway one day after classes ended, looking worried.

"Yoongi, is e-everything oka-ay?" Yoongi has been growing distant, merely because he doesn't want Jimin to worry about him but Jimin finding out is inevitable.

"Yes, I'm fine-"

"Yoongi, I'm n-not b-b-blind." Jimin grabbed Yoongi's hands but he pulled them away, stuffing them in his pockets.

"I-I'm sorry, Jimin. I have to go." Yoongi looked at him, meeting his eyes temporarily, before running off. Jimin just stood stunned, frowning as he watched his boyfriend disappear through the double doors.





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