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"isn't it p-pretty?" jimin asked, temporarily tightening his grip on my hand.

"it is."

jimin and i have been driving all day to get here before the sun sets. it's somewhere his grandma used to take him on breaks during school years since they couldn't exactly go anywhere big.

jimin closed his eyes and leaned his head on my shoulder. i watched the sun in front of us as it continued its slow decent under the horizon.

i took in a deep breath through my nose. things between jimin and i had been a little tense lately. it's hard to explain why but we both noticed it.

so, we both decided to go somewhere for the weekend. somewhere alone and quiet. the car ride was pretty silent but that was okay. not all conversations are verbal.

every couple has their problems, you just have to be strong enough together to overcome them.

i internally groaned when i felt the familiar tingling in my body. my leg began twitching and soon my neck was doing the same. it hurts the most up here.

jimin's eyes snapped open and he turned to look at me. i looked down at the water, trying hard to hold still. i don't want jimin worrying about me more than he already does.

a week ago, i made the mistake of leaving some papers from my doctor in his room while i went to the store. they were just some things my ex-foster mom gave me from him. it was just basically giving me a run down on whatever is wrong with me and why. i don't like reading it, and neither did jimin.

Third Person POV

Jimin went to pick up some papers Yoongi had dropped, not meaning to read them but a word caught his eye.

Whatever tests they ran on Yoongi damaged his nervous system, therefore causing his random muscle spasams.

Jimin wanted to stop reading but there were some things Yoongi had never told him. And he understood why. Jimin would never have expected it. How could he have been so stupid? Jimin should have noticed it. He could feel his heart clenching and breaking.

Yoongi has clinical depression.

Jimin dropped the papers on his desk when he heard the back door open. He ran downstairs and grabbed Yoongi. He was surprised and didn't know what was happening. They got into a bit of a fight that night over why Yoongi didn't say anything but Jimin soon came to his senses and understood why he didn't. Jimin made a promise to himself that he would try even harder now to keep Yoongi happy. He didn't exactly know what to do other than that.


and that's how we ended up here. we'd been arguing a bit more since that night so we decided to take a break from where we were. try to forget about everything and just pretend it was the beginning of the year again.

as for my stupid muscle spasms, jimin still helps me with them, like i mentioned earlier.

he wrapped his hands around my neck and heald his head against mine. it's a common way of helping someone who has the same problem as i do but when jimin does it... it just feels different. it helps me relax quicker, feeling him so close to me. the way he holds me with such care as if i could break right then and there. it's evident that our roles have switched a little lately but neither of us seem to mind.

"thank you." i muttered, my eyes still closed and our heads still together. i didn't want to lose this feeling and he didn't either. so, we stayed like that until the sun was entirely down and it was time for us to leave.

We drove for a little bit before finding a dark place to park. i put the back seats down and laid out the blankets and pillows we'd packed. it wasn't super comfortable but it was good enough.

he cuddled into my side and i rolled over to look at him.

"i really am sorry, jiminie." i said in a low voice, running my thumb over his cheek.

"it's okay, yoongi. you know i understand why y-you didn't tell me. i was just m-mad and sad at the time." he played with stray strands of my hair.

i closed my eyes and nodded. he kissed my lips before hiding his face from reach in my chest. i trailed my hand down his side until it landed on his waist.

jimin could sense what i was thinking. i swear he can read minds or something.

"i love you, yoongi. a lot and you know that. you know i mean it. every person has their own difficulties and every couple does too. nobody is perfect. and i know what you're thinking, yoongie. we graduate in a week. as much as it saddens me, i can sense you're hurt-ting about it. i know you don't exactly have the general support system a new adult has but you've got me and my grandma. she's got us, yoongi. i promise. you can stay with us as long as you need to." he lifted his head up to meet my eyes. they seemed to sparkle even in the dark.

"we c-can do an online college together and travel while doing so! wouldn't that be fun? just you and me and our currently n-non-existent dog." he giggled and kissed my nose.

"thank you, jimin. and that sounds awesome. i love you, too. so much. you truly are an amazing boy." my heart began to beat really fast. he gave me this look and i leaned in to kiss him again, smirking like an idiot.

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