nothing really ends {final chapter}

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A/N: I reccomend listening to this song before reading this chapter
:') Please. Really listen to the lyrics.


i walked slowly towards jimin who was sitting on the couch watching a show. a stuffed dog sat in his arms. the room was pretty empty. i made sure he noticed me before i sat down, not wanting to startle him.

he doesn't talk very much anymore. neither do i. we communicate through our actions. i raised my arm and placed it around his shoulders. he relaxed against me, letting out a long breath.

"happy birthday, honey." i muttered and kissed his head. he nodded his head weakly. he intertwined his fingers with mine. i looked down at our hands. the skin was papery and wrinkled. it saddened me but proved to me how long he and i have been together. how much of our lives have been spent with each other.

seventy years.

we were together since we we're seventeen. and we are now eighty- seven; today being his birthday. maybe we fought more and more as the years dragged on but our love for each other never ceased. that number right there is how i know i found my soul mate. there was never a doubt in my mind that we weren't meant for each other.

tao and jiya come and visit us occasionally. it's always so nice to see them. especially when they bring the kids. tao's wife left about ten years ago, leaving just he and their daughter. jiya and her wife, however, are still going strong. their kids are the sweetest things. one a surrogate and the other two adopted from russia.

"hungry?" i wondered. he nodded slightly and i pushed myself up, ignoring the pain in my joints. i held his hands as he stood. he and i grabbed our walkers and began down the hallway. i used to find walkers demeaning. i didn't need one at the time but now it's like my best friend.

jimin pointed to what he wanted and i got the exact same. i directed him over to an empty table.

he wiped mashed potatoes on my nose, making me laugh.

"eat your damn potatoes, dork."

he smiled that same smile i fell in love with. the one where his eyes almost disappear. i wipped the food off and looked down at my own plate.

our humor with each other never faltered. we may be much, much older now but that never changed anything mentally. i still feel like a teenager when i'm with him.

i smiled back at him. he looked away shyly.

"hey," my voice was rough and quiet these days but i don't mind. he looked up at me.

"i love you."

"i love you, too." he turned his head to the side, scrunching up his nose. it was nice to hear his voice.

"you're so cute." i shoved a spoonful of potatoes into my mouth.

"i'm sorry i couldn't get you anything." i frowned, "but jiya should be visiting later."

"i didn't know she was coming." jimin's voice stayed quiet but he spoke fluidly. he had less of a rough voice than i did, "is she bringing jeongyeon? or the kids?"

"i'd hope so." i set my fork down. i haven't had much of an appetite lately. but, i know i'm alright.

"finished?" i asked a few minutes later. a young lady came by and grabbed our plates, asking us if we wanted anything else. we declined but thanked her.

a man in his early twenties came and got us, saying we had a visitor.

"grandpa!" chaeyoung giggled and she ran forward, hugging jimin and i at the same time. she reminded me much of her mother when she was little- chaeyoung being her biological daughter.

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