paper balls

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Third Person POV

Hoseok had been expelled from the school. After looking at the CCT footage in the hallways and what Jimin said, he was expelled. And trust me, he was pissed. Pissed at Jimin, at the school, at everyone.

Funny enough, he was going to a correctional facility, arrested by the cops later that day.

Jimin still wasn't allowed to see Yoongi and that made his heart hurt so much more. He just wanted to see him. No, he needed to see him. After everything, Jimin needed him there.

Jimin's grandmother kept him out of school for the rest of the week. She didn't want to send him back for a few days.

Now, late Saturday night, Jimin was sitting on the couch waiting for his grandma to come home. Yoongi still hadn't seen the messages.

"Hey, Jiminie. I'm home." His grandmother called as she walked into the kitchen, "I've got a little surprise for you but you have to close your eyes. It will hopefully make you feel a little better."

Jimin heard the crumbling of paper but didn't think about it, too occupied with the thought of what his grandmother had.

"It looked so lost. I found it just wandering the streets and figured I might bring it home. Give it some food, you know, that kind of stuff."

"So, it's a-an animal?" Jimin asked, getting excited. He tensed up when he felt the back of his head getting hit with a very large paper ball.

"What the- Grandma, ca-an I open my eyes n-now?"

"No. Not yet."

Jimin was hit again.

"Grandma~" Jimin whined impatiently, getting annoyed with being hit. He just wanted to see what she brought home.

Jimin was hit with multiple paper balls at once and that's when he went to say something but was cut off.

"Okay, I'm done. You can open now."

Jimin froze, his eyes shooting straight open but he didn't turn around.

"You don't want to see what I found? I thought you'd like it." His grandma said, opening the fridge.

Jimin felt himself get hit one more time, "Over me so quickly? I thought we had something good going for us."

Jimin jumped up off the couch and ran into the kitchen, attacking Yoongi in a tight hug. Yoongi chuckled, kissing his lips.

His grandma took a picture. Yoongi made a mental note to have her send that to him.

"I missed you." Jimin started crying and Chaerin decided to go to her room to give them some space.

"I missed you, too." Yoongi hugged him tighter and tighter. It felt like years since he'd seen Jimin. His heart pounded in his chest from pure happiness.

Jimin pulled back to look at him, his arms still on Yoongi's.

"How do you f-feel? Are you hun-ngry? T-Thirsty? Do yo-ou need cuddles?" Jimin asked hurriedly.

"Slow down, baby. I feel pretty shitty but if I get that last thing, I'll be perfectly fine in no time."

Jimin's mind seemed to flip a switch and he was in little space the second Yoongi called him "baby" and said he wanted cuddles.

Jimin pulled Yoongi into his room, shutting the door and attacking Yoongi onto the bed.

Yoongi rolled over so he was over Jimin. He smiled widely down at him. Jimin felt his heart begin to beat fast because of the feeling of Yoongi laying on top of him. It wasn't a good feeling. It reminded him of what happened just a few days ago.

Jimin shook the thought off and focused more on Yoongi's face. There were bags under his eyes and his skin was paler than usual but he looked okay over all.

Yoongi peppered Jimin's face in little kisses, making him giggle. Yoongi stopped the kisses and went in for a real one. Jimin played with Yoongi's hair as they kissed and when they pulled back, Yoongi's face was softer.

He started crying, hiding his face in the crook of Jimin's neck. Jimin snapped out of little space, knowing this requires him being in big space.

Jimin has only seen Yoongi cry once and it was only a little. Not ever as much as he was now. It was honestly heart breaking. He can only imagine what it feels like to Yoongi when Jimin cries. This hurts, so now Jimin understands.

"Shh, it's okay, Yoongi." Jimin said softly, petting his hand through his hair with one hand while the other rested on his back, "I'm here."

Jimin isn't used to being the one comforting the other but it felt nice. He liked being able to make Yoongi feel better, not just when he was sick or just a little sad. This was full on sobbing.


A/N: I just worked for the first time in a restaurant woop it was fun. I worked from open to close. I'm tired now. I hope this story is still interesting you guys? and uh if you'd like, go find me on instagram at @/stellaexists

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