five years pt. 2

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Third Person POV

Yoongi trailed behind his sister as they walked across the tarmat. He fiddled with his fingers. The air smelled different.

Yoongi and the others stepped into the gate and were met by people all looking for the now returning loved ones.

Someone tugged on the back of Yoongi's shirt. He turned around to see a dark brown haired boy standing in front of him.

He seemed nervous so Yoongi decided to say hello.

"Hi." Yoongi smiled.

"Hi... Um... D-Do you remember m-me?" The boy stuttered. Yoongi looked at him a few moments before answering.

"Sorry, no." Yoongi frowned, feeling bad for the boy.

"Oh, sorry. I must have the wrong person." The boy bit his lip and lowered his head. He began to walk away.

Yoongi crumbled up the papers in his hands and threw them at the boy's back. The boy froze.

"Come back here you little shit." Yoongi walked towards the boy who was standing frozen. The boy soon came back to reality amd grabbed Yoongi tightly. Yoongi did the same.

"You really think I'd forget you?" Yoongi asked, pulling back to look at the boy in his arms. His eyes were teary.

He shook his head no.

"Fuck. I missed you so much." Yoongi hugged Jimin tighter. It was such a relief to have him so close again.

Yoongi hadn't realized how much he needed Jimin until he couldn't have him.

"I missed y-you, too." Jimin mumbled into his chest. He was still significantly shorter than Yoongi. That was something that will never change.

"How w-was is?" Jimin wondered, breaking away from Yoongi to look at him again. His hair was a little longer and kind of raggedly cut. Jimin liked it.

Neither boy could help but feel awkward. Yoongi knew that he himself hadn't fallen for or been with anyone else but he didn't know about Jimin. They both looked older, too. It was very evident.

Jimin stepped back a little, remembering they'd been apart for five whole years. Jimin seemed to forget about those long days and nights. The days full of doubting, hating, stress, and tears due to college. He waited a while but is graduating in a few months from now. Something seemed to click for him once he joined this one particular on-campus club.

"It was... Pretty cool. Scary sometimes- but a really eye opening experience." Yoongi said, trying to limit his words. His heart was beating really fast now. He wanted to know about the last five years for his ex but he didn't know how to ask.

"Good." Jimin bit his lip.

"How are you?"

"I'm good. I'm g-graduating in a few months!" Jimin smiled.

"Oh, really? Well, I'm proud of you." Yoongi smiled back. He genuinely was proud of him.

"Hey, um... Do you want to maybe go get something to eat? W-We can talk more over dinner?" Jimin asked nervously.

"Sure, sure. I'll drop my stuff off with my sister and then we can meet up somewhere." The two of them began walking a bit behind Yoongi's sister and her fiance.

"You know, Yoongi... You're still welcome to s-stay with my grandmother a-and I." Jimin fiddled with his fingers.

"Thank you but I don't want to be a burden. To either of you. I'll be back on my feet eventually."

"Okay, but if you ever need somewhere to stay, y-you can stay with us again."

Yoongi nodded, "Thank you, Jiminie."

"I'll see you l-later. Lets just go... To our go-to spot." Jimin winked and they parted ways.

Yoongi laughed.

Jimin actually remembered.


Yoongi sat waiting outside next to the entrance. He saw the form of a familiar figure get out of a car and wave. He waved back.

The two went in and ordered then sat in the back of the restaurant. Neither of them knew how to begin a conversation, so they sat in silence for a little bit.

This reminded Yoongi of one Saturday, almost six years ago. When he and Jimin came here. They weren't dating yet, much less friends. Yoongi just wanted to get to know Jimin after the incident at school involving the boys and Yoongi finding out Jimin was a little.

They got their food and after they finished, Jimin invited Yoongi over.

"My g-grandma is dying to see you. She doesn't know you're back." Yoongi got into Jimin's car after telling his sister he didn't need to be picked up.

Jimin's house barely changed. Everything was still where it was the last time he saw it. Only, the walls were a light grey now.

Jimin left to change into something a little more comfortable. When he returned, he was wearing sweatpants and a fluffy pastel blue sweater.

Yoongi's heart skipped a few beats.

Yoongi said hello to Chaerin who was ecstatic to see him and after that, he and Jimin sat out on the balcony.

"Yoongi... C-Can I tell you something?" Jimin said quietly after they'd been out there for a few hours just chatting.

"Yeah." They turned to each other.

"I s-still love you." Jimin muttered. Both had admitted earlier that they hadn't found anyone new in the last five years so Yoongi's next action was clearly justified.

"I never stopped loving you."

Yoongi lifted Jimin's face up and pulled him closer, kissing him softly. Jimin's arms found their way around his neck.

They pulled back after a few minutes, out of breath and their heads pushed together.

Yoongi's leg began to spasm, like always, and Jimin wrapped his leg around Yoongi's out of habit.

They both laughed.

"What do you say... Why don't we pick up where we left off?" Yoongi muttered, petting Jimin's fluffy hair as the younger laid against him.

Jimin nodded.

"Y-Yeah, let's do that."

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