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"jimin- what are you doing?" i asked, watching as jimin piled blankets onto the bed. yeah, it was really cold in his room tonight but that many blankets wasn't needed.

the way he bit on his tongue as if he was concentrating signaled to me he was probably in little space.

"this is what the g-google said to do to make a sick-k person better." he began tucking the blankets around me. he flipped off the lights, turning his fan on high for some reason, and cuddled in next to me.

"it said to keep t-them warm. give them cuddles, k-kisses, and feed them. so i'm doing that."

"i'm assuming that means i'm sleeping over?" i chuckled, finding what he was doing cute. watching little jimin care for me, a "sick" person, was probably one of the cutest things i'd seen him do yet.

"will you stay by my side, will you promise me? if i let go of your hand, you’ll fly away and break i’m scared scared scared of that.

will you stop time if this moment passes as though it hadn’t happened i’m scared scared scared i’ll lose you.

butterfly like a butterfly. just like a butterfly. you’re just like a butterfly.

from afar, i steal glances; if we touch hands, will i lose you? you shine in this pitch darkness that is the butterfly effect. your light touches, i forget the reality at once.

it’s like a wind that gently strokes me it’s like a dust that gently drifts along you’re there but for some reason, i can’t reach you, stop. you, who’s like a dream is a butterfly high to me..."

i listened silently as jimin sang the words to an old song i used to know. the sound of his voice made my heart flutter.

he didn't stutter once.

"you have such a pretty voice."

"f-feel better now?"

"yes." i leaned over to kiss him before i fell asleep.

me falling asleep before jimin was unheard of until tonight. it was just something in the way his voice sounded when he sang. it was soft, pretty, and calming.

"i promise i'll make you better again." he muttered. i smiled but it was a bit of a sad smile. little jimin thinks he will be able to heal me all on his own. trust me, i'd wish more than anything for him to be the thing that cures me for good but i have to think logically. he's trying, at least. he's caring for me. he's keeping me happy. he's always been doing that.

he's always been "making me better" in a way. i just don't think he realizes it yet.


Tomorrow is my last day of school :'(

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