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Third Person POV

Jimin kept beating himself up. This made him feel worse than anything he'd felt before. It hurt worse than anything his parents did to him as a child or anything that has happened even lately. He usually does well with physical pain. Worse with emotional.

It happened yesterday, Friday. The two were walking out of their last class, heading towards their lockers.

Jimin was talking about a new artist he thought Yoongi would like when Yoongi just... Snapped. Jimin had noticed how distant Yoongi was growing and all he wanted to do was hold his hand, thinking it may make Yoongi feel better.

Jimin was wrong.

Yoongi began stumbling over his words, muttering things as his whole body began to jitter. Jimin just watched, not understanding what Yoongi was saying.

"I can't do this anymore, Jimin." He said, breathing out. Jimin went to answer but no words came out.

"I feel so useless. I feel as if I'm receeding back into the way I used to be. Everything is slipping right out of my hands. I have no control anymore, as it seems. I feel terrible. I'm just sitting here, a practical rock while you are all over me, trying to make me feel better." The look in Yoongi's eyes made Jimin's blood run cold.

"I can't let you do it anymore, Jimin. It's not fair to you. I'm only holding you back."

"Yoongi-" Jimin began but was stopped.

"No, Jimin, listen. I'm not good for you. Not anymore. I love you Jimin, you know that but it's just not fair to you to always be forced to 'take care' of me. It makes me feel so weak and pathetic. You're a wonderful boy, Jimin. I just don't think it's a good idea for us to stay together anymore."

Jimin bit his lip hard. He was still processing what Yoongi was saying.

"I'll be eighteen at the end of the month. I'm dropping out and moving to Seoul. I'm sorry, Jimin. I just can't do this anymore. It hurts too much." Yoongi leaned in, kissing Jimin one last time before running away, leaving Jimin standing dumbfounded in the hallway.

Jimin walked to where his grandma was waiting to pick him up. She saw the look on his face and became worried.

"Jiminie, sweetie, are you okay?" She restarted the car and began to drive home.

"I think... Yoongi and I just broke up."


And that's how Jimin got where he was now, sitting in his empty bathtub. He'd never felt this kind of pain before. He didn't cry. Which was odd. It hurt too much for him to cry. He just couldn't.

What happened after school was difficult to understand. Was Yoongi serious?

The whole thing put Jimin into a bit of a stupor. His chest felt as it were being constantly compressed; tight. Breathing was harder. He seemed to lack energy.

He locked himself in his room and silently ignored any attempt his grandma made to get him to tell her what happened. If he was being honest, even Jimin didn't know what happened.

Being in his bathtub made him feel better.

The small space made him feel more protected, sitting in the blue sweater of his also made him feel that way.


A/N: Your least favorite depressing Pangolin author is back at it again, haha. I'm going to camp in a few days which means I won't be able to update or even be on here for a week. It's a challenge my group and I were given. The camp is supposed to cut you off from the rest of the word so it takes away your stress and worries for a week. It's really cool. I'll try and do some good updates so I won't leave you guys hanging for too long, haha. Anyways love you guys bye ~

 Anyways love you guys bye ~

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