sick... again

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Jimin POV

yoongi got sick again. it was really scary. i woke up around four in the morning with his whole body just spasming, his sight was gone, and he could barely walk. i didn't know what was going on. it took him maybe the whole car ride for him to tell me what was going on, and not to worry. six years and i was lucky enough to not have seen this.

i managed to get him into the loby where we were met by his doctor. they got him onto one of those stupid bed things and left me alone.

i wanted to but i couldn't fall back asleep. my leg kept shaking anxiously, my heart racing. i was scared. even more now than before.

we both know what could happen during a flare up. the virus attacks every inch of him- his sight, his brain, his nerves. everything. there's a high chance it could very well kill him.

i shook my head, looking down at my hands.

he's okay, i continued to tell myself for the next two hours. the sun was just beginning to peak as a nurse came in to grab me.

the trek to yoongi's room seemed to last hours. every hallway looked the same. every face i passed was only a blur.

i knew, of course, that he was alive. they would have told me otherwise. but, how alive yoongi is... that's another question.

finally, we stopped in front of a brown door. it looked exactly like the others except for a different labeled plate on the door. only, it was in english. i couldn't read it.

the nurse left me alone in the room and i hurried over to yoongi. i grabbed a chair and brought it to the side of the bed.

i gently grabbed his hand. he gripped it, realizing it was me. i leaned up and kissed his forehead softly.

"see? t-t-told you i'd be alright." yoongi said weakly, forcing out a laugh.

Third Person POV

"Now you're stuttering like me!" Jimin laughed even though he'd begun to cry.

"N-No, shh. Don't cry. This is j-just a side effect. Ok-kay?"

"I don't want you to die. You told me you'd never leave me again." Jimin put his face on the side of the bed, wrapping his arms around it.

"Jiminie, I'm not going to die, okay? Look at me. I'm ok-kay."

"Are you s-sure?" Jimin picked his head up.

"I'm positive, baby. I'll b-be able to go home l-later today. They just have to do a few things to make sure I'm one hundred p-percent-t okay, okay? Come here." Yoongi opened his arms and Jimin gladly climbed into them.

Jimin gently laid his head on Yoongi's chest, finding comfort and reassurance in the sound of his heartbeat. Yoongi closed his eyes and began to softly card his fingers through the younger's hair.

Soon, a nurse came into the room, cooing at the sight in front of her. Yoongi cracked one eye open. Jimin had fallen asleep minutes after he laid down.

"Just do it," Yoongi whispered and the nurse nodded, beginning to assemble the needle. Yoongi's grip on Jimin tightened momentarily as the nurse inserted the needle to his skin. He let out a long breath once she left.

After a while of silence, there was a knock on the door. Yoongi grumbled under his breath but forced his eyes open.

The second his eyes met her's, they popped open. His mouth hung slightly open. His breath caught.

"You okay?" Jimin mumbled, still half asleep.

When Yoongi didn't answer, Jimin opened his eyes, sitting up. All he saw was Yoongi staring at a woman with a look of shock and disgust.

"You b-" Yoongi began. Jimin knew exactly what he was going to say so Jimin covered his mouth.

"Better not. I'm the one paying your bills. Be greatful, bitch."

"Why do you get to say it and I don't?" Yoongi bit, removing Jimin's hand from his mouth.

"Because I'm the mother here."

Oh, Jimin thought, so that's Yoongi's mom? Jimin could see the resemblance. He slid off the bed and went to stand by the wall.

"Some 'mother' you are. You and that bastard decide to wait twenty six years to make a single appearance in my life. What makes you think I want you here? I'm perfectly fine without you. Always have been."

"I can just retract my deposit."


"But, I won't do that. You're still my son. I may not have exactly wanted you but that doesn't mean I can't assist you."

Yoongi didn't answer. His face went pale and he jumped up, running to the trash can by Jimin's feet. Jimin knelt down and rubbed Yoongi's back.

"Who are you?" The woman asked Jimin.

"Um... I'm J-Jimin." The younger boy felt slightly frightened by the woman's stare.

"Fiancé. Jimin is my fiancé." Yoongi said wiping his mouth on his sleeve and standing up, using Jimin as support. His legs still felt very weak.

"You're gay?"

"No, I'm straight." Yoongi rolled his eyes.

"Sarcastic, are we? Just so you know, I don't have a problem with it. Congratulations, guys."

"Do you even care?"

"Listen here you bastard, you ungreatful, dirty, sh-"

Jimin cut into the conversation, "Okay, I think it's time for you to go. Yoongi, honey, go lay back down."

"But, Jimin-"

"No, Yoongi. Lay. Down. Now. And you, don't you dare call him that. You're the ungreatful bitch here. You're the one who just up and left him and his sister- who eventually left him. Completely alone. Do you think you really deserve to march in here and say such things to a boy barely fit to be called your son?" Jimin crossrd his arms.

They both looked at Jimin. Yoongi was stunned. He'd never heard Jimin speak like that before.

"Go." Jimin pointed to the door.

"You can't-"

"Actually, I can. Just get out, now. Before I call security." Jimin's face was dead serious. Yoongi's mother shut her mouth and left the room, shutting the door behind her.

Jimin sighed, "I'm sorry if I sounded too harsh. I just got mad." He sat down on the edge of the bed.

"No, it's okay, Jimin. I'm just impressed. But, she is my mom, Jimin. And we could use her help paying my bills. I just don't want or need to see her."

"I know, Yoongi. I know." Jimin sighed, holding onto Yoongi's hand.

"Get back up here, you look really tired. Sleep." Yoongi demanded, patting his chest and slightly smiling. Jimin obeyed and climbed back up onto the hospital bed. He gave Yoongi a small kiss before drifting off to sleep.


A/N: Hey guys :( So this is going to be coming to a close soon! I know you guys don't want it to end but I promise you won't be disappointed in the final few chapters. Love you all ~ KUIPER

Updated A/N: Nah y all crackheads wanted more chapters so you got like 30 left.

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