tuesday night

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jimin had been really quiet all of today. i tried not to mention what would be happening the next day.

"come on, jimin. talk or something. don't just sit there pretending to eat."

"i'm sorry. i'm j-just scared."

"you'll be ok-"

"no, i mean for you. i'm scared f-for you." he let go of his fork and it fell lazily from his hands.

"i know... but it always works for a while. nothing bad really happens. it's more annoying than anything. it hurts sometimes but it will hopefully be gone soon." i partially lied. i could die... but other than that, they think they can cure me. and it does hurt, it hurts a lot.

jimin nodded, keeping his head down. he got up and rinsed his dishes and as he did, his grandma came in the back door.

"hey, sweetie." chaerin said and kissed the side of his head, knowing he was obviously saddened. i texted her earlier, warning her about his feelings so she wouldn't bring it up.

"hi, yoongi." she gave me a hug then went to her room to change out of her work clothes.

"can you sleep o-over tonight?" jimin asked quietly, "or d-do you have to be there early tomor-rrow?"

"why don't you sleep over at my place and i can take you to school? i have to be there a little while after school starts."

"okay." he was still quiet but went up to his room to grab some things for the next morning.

"grandma?" he called.

"yes, sweetie?"

"i'm gonna s-stay with yoongi at his h-house tonight. he said he'd take me to school."

"okay jiminie. you boys have a good night." she called back from inside her room.

we drove back to my house in silence. he went right to my room when we got in. i walked into my room a little later to find him cuddled up with his stuffed animal, max, on the side of my bed closest to the wall.

i turned off the lights, getting into bed and cuddling him. it might be a while until we can do this again.

jimin rolled over, gripping onto my shirt.

"i promise you that i'll come and visit every day." jimin muttered. i pressed our foreheads together in response, enjoying how he smelled like cinnamon and flowers.

"love you~ goodnight, daddy." jimin giggled. i could tell by his tone that he was in big space right now.

"go to sleep you kinky little dork." i chuckled and shook my head, allowing myself to fall asleep with my head pressed up against jimin's.

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