mud pt.2

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Later that night...

"Jimin?" Yoongi whispered. Jimin slightly opened his eyes to see a messy haired boy with a blanket around his shoulders standing in front of him.

"W-what?" Jimin said grogily. He pryed one eye open and looked up.

"Can I sleep with you?" Yoongi asked softly, his voice shaking as if he was nervous.


Yoongi nodded.

"No." Jimin said bluntly.

"Oh, okay. Sorry." Yoongi began to walk away but Jimin felt a stab in his chest.

"Yoongi, wait." He pulled Yoongi back and down onto the couch. He scooted up onto the armrest a little and had Yoongi lay on him, seeing there was no more room.

Yoongi passed out the second his head hit Jimin's chest. He felt a tugging in his stomach and reached up. Jimin slowly carded his fingers through Yoongi's hair like he was earlier.

Thoughts filled Jimin's mind. Thoughts like, are they okay now? Or, what happened to Yoongi earlier? But, he didn't want to think about that right now. Yoongi was back with him now. Safe.

After a while of playing with the boy's hair, Jimin managed to fall back asleep as well.


"Yoongi, wake up." Jimin said quietly, stroking his back softly.

Jimin's grandmother had just gotten home from her shift to find the two asleep on the couch. It made her happy, but she was concerned when she saw the wounds all over Yoongi.

Yoongi made a few little noises but eventually cracked his eyes open.

"Good m-morning." Jimin said as Yoongi opened his eyes more. They became sullen when he locked eyes with Jimin. He shut his mouth and rolled off.

"Sorry." Yoongi muttered, standing up. He began to walk away but he stumbled and Jimin caught him around the torso.

"Be c-careful."

Yoongi bit his lip.

Jimin sighed, feeling how tense and hesitant Yoongi was, "Yoongi, we n-need to talk and I'm n-not taking no for an an-nswer."

Yoongi nodded, looking down. It was weird for Jimin to see Yoongi so quiet and distant, he'd seen it one time before but it's still odd to him.

"What's w-wrong, Yoongi? I j-just want to know. I w-want to b-b-be able to help you."

"It's nothing, Jimin. I guess I just got really stressed out. I didn't mean what I said- I'm just... Sorry."

Jimin was relieved to hear that what Jungkook said had held up to be true, "You d-don't need to k-keep apologizing. I u-understand."

"Are we o-okay?" Yoongi stumbled over his words.

"Of course we are, Yoongi-ah. I'm just worried ab-bout you but I understand if you don't want to talk about it."

Yoongi nodded, still looking at the ground.

"Come on, Yoongi. Smile, or look up, or something. I m-missed you and I ha-ate seeing you like this. Also, how are you feeling? I co-ompletely forgot about all of that. Is a-anything hurting you?" Jimin instinctively stepped closer to Yoongi, putting his hand on his arm.

Yoongi shook his head, "I feel okay." His voice was quiet again. Yoongi bit on his lip, wanting something he wasn't sure he could ask for at this time.

Jimin saw the look in his eyes and knew it immedietly. He leaned forward and engulfed Yoongi in a warm hug. He didn't hold him too tight in fear of hurting some part of him that had been wounded.

Jimin really wanted to know what happened to him but he could ask another time. Yoongi didn't want to talk about it.

Yoongi allowed himself to practically melt into Jimin's embrace. Being away from him and on the terms they were hurt Yoongi, the both of them even, really bad and neither could be happier to have each other back.

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