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A/N: Heh, you guys already hate me enough... I'm going on a bit of a hiatus....and I'm leaving you guys with this chapter. Well, one of you knows what happens after this, and you know who you are... So yeah. Go ahead and aTtAcK mE.


Third Person POV

"Hey, just wanted to let you know the summit is over. You're probably under fire still, after seeing that video you sent me earlier," Yoongi laughed, "I'll be home in about an hour. Love you guys." He made a kissy noise and ended the voicemail.

Jimin smiled, hearing his voice for the first time in a few days. Yoongi had been gone for a few days due to work, but he was finally coming back tonight.

"Ah! Jiya!" Jimin squealed, feeling himself get sprayed in the back of the head with a squirt gun. He turned around, laughing, and chased after the little girl.

She screamed and ran into the bathroom, only to be cornered by her dad.

"Daddy! Daddy stop!" She giggled as Jimin tickled her sides. He smiled and laughed along with her. She wiggled back and forth, trying to fight off the older and stronger male.

Jimin stopped tickling her after a few moments, allowing the both of them to catch their breaths.

"Are you ready for dinner, sweetie?" Jimin wondered, picking her up and setting her on his hip. She nodded eagerly.

"What will it be? Peanut butter and jelly sandwich? Mac and Cheese? Or Dino nuggets?"

"Dino nuggets! Please daddy!" She bubbled and cheered.

"Alright, dino nuggets." Jimin kissed her forehead and set her down on the couch. He pulled out the bulk-sized bag of nuggets and set them on the counter. He heard the familair jingle of bells to signal that Jiya had turned on her favorite show.

After ten or so minutes, Jimin tossed the nuggets onto the plate and brought them over to where his daughter was sitting. She smiled.

"Thank you, daddy!" She gladly accepted the plate.

"Of course, sweeite."

She leaned on him as she ate. Jimin just watched her in awe. It had been so many years yet he couldn't believe she was theirs. It felt so oddly surreal to him. Like he had just been a shy, stuttering high schooler a few months ago.

His thoughts were broken by an abrupt knock on their door.

"Oh, hey, Kookie." Jimin said, smiling. But his giddy look soon faltered when he saw the look in Jungkook's eyes. Jimin just figured that maybe he just got into a fight with Taehyung.

"Can you step outside for a second?" Jungkook asked.

"Yeah, hold on." Jimin peeked back inside, "Jiya, baby? Daddy's just stepping outside for a second with uncle Kookie, okay?"

"Okay, daddy." She smiled, making her eyes close up and scrunch together.

Jimin turned back to Jungkook, "Is everything okay?"

"Have you been on your phone at all?"

"No, it died a bit ago. Why?"

"Fuck. I've never had to do this before. It makes sense as to why they called me. Nobody is fucking answering their phones-"

"Jungkook. Tell me what's going on." Jimin grabbed his shoulders.

"Yoongi's in the hospital." Jungkook sped through the sentence. Jimin almost didn't catch it.

"What!?" Jimin's heart stopped.

"His car wrecked or something, Jimin. They've been trying to contact you, his mother, and Chaerin for the last hour but they got nothing. I was last on the list for emergency contacts and I just happened to be awake." Jungkook started shaking, "He's okay, Jim. Please, don't freak out. He's in stable condition. Don't worry."

"How am I not supposed to worry!?" Tears began to form in Jimin's eyes. His heart pounded.

The door opened behind them, "Daddy?" Jiya asked, sounding worried and a little scared. He leaned down and picked her up, tears beginning to fall from his eyes.

"Daddy! You're crying! Are you okay!?" She hugged around his neck tightly.

"I'm okay, sweetie. Daddy's been... In an accident. But he's okay. We're gonna go see him, alright?" Jimin explained and Jiya went dead silent. Jimin hugged her close as they walked down to the car. He set her in her car seat and then returned to talk to Jungkook.

"He's unconscious but his vitals are fine. Tae went straight there. Says he looks a little beat up, but not terrible." Jungkook bit his tongue, "I was thinking that, maybe, I should stay here with Jiya. I don't know if she would want to see Yoongi like that. I notified Jin, as well. I'll go little to keep her occupied. Jin will watch us."

"That's a good idea, actually. Thank you, Kookie." Jimin hugged him before returning to Jiya, "Hey, baby. You're gonna actually stay here with Kookie and Jinnie, okay?"

"O-Oh, okay, daddy." She said quietly. Jimin handed her to Jungkook.

"Update me- When you get there."

"I will," Jimin handed Jungkook the house keys and hurriedly jumped into his car. His heart pounded hard. He couldn't believe it. He didn't want to believe it. Not Yoongi. Yeah, Jungkook says he is okay but Jimin won't believe him until he sees for himself.

"Hey, Tae." Jimin said, answering the phone through the bluetooth in his car, "How is he?"

"He's doing... Alright. He hasn't woken up yet, which worries the doctors but they say he's okay." Taehyung explained, the sound of beeping in the background, "Are you almost here?"

"Giv-ve me about five m-minutes." Jimin said, his voice shaky.

"I'll come and find you at the front. It's the enterance with the two big pine trees on either side."

"O-Okay, I'll see you soon." Jimin ended the call. His whole body jittered with anxiety and fear. He wanted to get there faster but he couldn't risk getting a ticket.

After seven minutes (which seemed like an hour) Jimin arrived at the front. He pulled in and quickly hopped out, finding Taehyung easily. Jimin sighed in and they made their way through the winding hallways. Jimin absolutely despised this place. He hated it.

All it did was remind him of having to watch Yoongi sit and cry in pain for hours, even days on end.

Jimin wanted nothing more, right now, than to be in Yoongi's place.

Jimin froze when he saw Yoongi laying on the bed, eyes closed. His chest slowly rose and fell. Jimin would never get used to seeing him hooked up to such machines.

"Yoongi-" Jimin's voice broke and he turned, becoming engulfed in a hug from Taehyung. He began sobbing. This hurt him more than anyone could imagine.

Taehyung shut the door with his foot, holding Jimin close to himself.

"He's gonna be alright, Jim. I promise."


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