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I love you guys so much, aha. You don't even know. Anyways, since you all INSIST on me NOT ending this story so soon, I hopefully have a few more chapters to go. I'm trying really hard to make this good! I don't think you guys will be disappointed with the ending at all ;))) Also, if you live in or around Durango, Colorado, stay safe please. I'm here visiting for a week and mother nature is having a bad month :( there's landslides everywhere, gas leaks, emergency vehicles, evacuation busses and all that. We are at the evacuation site and it seems like we won't be getting back tonight :( but, if you do live here and through this and the fires- just please stay safe!!! Well, if I am to lighten the mood a little bit, my sister and I are getting our hedgehogs on Friday woop. Mine is named Wyatt and the other is Mama. Haha. Love you guys~


i'm not the kind of boyfriend who wouldn't let jimin go alone to a party because i think he will cheat on me. no, i'm just cautious. jimin is my baby and i have to protect him at all costs... but i want him to have some fun.

plus, he gets really anxious in large and loud crowds.

"do you want to go?" i asked, giving him a cup of apple juice.

"i don't know... i mean, they're pretty cool p-people but i dunno." he took a drink and waved his hand, wanting me to sit down at the table.

"i think you should go. you've never been to a real party before, even if it is a small one like this. it'll be fun, i promise."

"mm, okay, yoongi. i g-guess i'll go."

"but only if you want to, okay?"

"like you said, it will be fun." jimin smiled and kissed my cheek on his way to grab his phone.

ahfjkwifwjtk my baby i- have. to. protect. sorry i'm in a fluffy mood today. i got a pay raise and jimin's happy and i'm happy and oh fuck i sound like i'm on crack.

"kook is coming by to get me in twenty. i'm gonna go get r-ready." he smiled giddly and ran to our room.


"tae says he can bring jimin home after the party. i don't know when it will end, though." jungkook said and leaned on the doorframe.

i nodded then turned to jimin, "remember, i can come get you if you want me to, too."

"i know, honey." he hugged me and then pulled my head down to kiss me. he has this cute habit of calling me "honey" on occasion. i don't mind it one bit.

"have fun, if i don't see you before, i'll see you in the morning. if you drink too much i swear park jimin i'm gonna beat your ass." i threatened jokingly.

"i know," he laughed, "i don't e-even like alcohol that m-much."

i grabbed his hand and knocked our fingers together. hearing the desired sound of titanium knocking against titanium made me smile. he blushed and hugged me.

"mkay, i love you, bye." i kissed him one last time and ushered him out the door, smiling.

"love you, too." he waved goodbye and then jumped into the passenger seat.

i sighed and watched them drive off. yes, i was worried but he'll be okay. he's twenty-five. he's okay

now, i have nothing to do. i flopped myself down on the couch and pulled out my phone.

I'm bored now :/

That's your fault :P

Watch a movie or something?

We're here, I've got to go.

Love you, Yoongi.

Okay, love you, too.

Have fun, baby hehe <3

i set my phone down next to me. i looked up at the ceiling, smiling like an idiot.

i asked jimin to marry me last night. not very shocking, is it? gay marriage isn't legal but hey, what does a piece of paper have to define?

it wasn't extravagant like in the movies. it was nice, though. it made him cry but he was happy. he'd been so afraid of losing me lately. i don't even know what sparked the idea. i couldn't think of any way to better assure him he'd never loose me than to ask him to marry me.

we went to burger king at two in the morning to celebrate. we were seen as crazy but we didn't mind.

i waited hours to get a text from jungkook or tae saying they were bringing jimin back but i got nothing.

i began to worry but told myself to go to sleep. he'd be back in the morning.

but nope. i was wrong. he wasn't back in the morning.

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