baby baby

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"i don't wanna~" i whined and clutched onto jimin before he had a chance to get out of bed, "you kept kicking in you sleep. let me live." jimin just rolled onto his side to face me. i was only trying to be a little playful this morning.

"i had a bad dream. i'm sorry." his voice became quiet.

"aw, baby. what about?"

"it's not important. it was just a dream." jimin shook his head.

"mm, okay. but if you need to talk you know i'm here." i kissed his head and closed my eyes again. i didn't have to go to work today and neither did he so i was hoping to have a lazy day. tao and jiya can fend for themselves. plus, jiya can drive now so she can take tao somewhere if they want to get out of the house.

"let's just stay in bed." i suggested after not getting a response.

"i was thinking of going to see that new marvel movie but okay." jimin chuckled and cuddled into my arms. i pulled the sheets back up over us. if only we could stay like this forever. i almost forgot we had a family to take care of until i heard tao yelling down the hall that jiya "broke the handle off the cooky-thingy."

jimin and i grumbled but were slightly amused. i rolled out of bed and lumbered into the kitchen.

"jiya..." i groaned, "that's like the fifth handle. it won't hurt you i swear. you don't need to keep hurting them." i joked and her face went red with embarrassment.

"sorry, dad." she said and hung her head.

"it's alright, sweetie. just please be a little nicer to the pans, okay?" jimin chuckled and leaned down to pick up the broken handle. tao sat down at the table, immersed in something on his phone. jiya just stook awkwardly by the stove. it was obvious that there was something bothering her.

god i hope she's not pregnant. she's only sixteen. please tell me she isn't pregnant.

"dads? can i talk to you?"

damnit she's pregnant. i didn't even know she was dating. jimin is going to have an... interesting talk with her. he was always the one who wanted to do that if she ever got pregnant in high school. we thought we'd raised her right but hey...

"yeah, sure." i said, now a little scared. we walked into the living room, leaving tao still on his phone.

"what's up?" jimin wondered, having her sit in front of he and i.

"i um..." her hands began to shake.

"please don't tell me you're pregnant." i said hesitantly. jimin looked over at me with fear in his eyes.

"no- no. i'm not pregnant. don't worry."

jimin and i sighed in relief.

"is something wrong at school?"

"no, not really."

"spit it out, child." jimin chuckled and leaned back, lacing his fingers with mine.

"you sound like uncle jin- whom would definitely yell at me if he were here right now because he thought i told you guys a week ago." jiya laughed nervously.

"seriously, ji. what's wrong?"

she took in a deep breath and looked us both in the eyes, "i'm lesbian."

"fuck yeah." jimin exclaimed and slapped my thigh. i rolled my eyes and chuckled. jiya just looked at us, evidently very confused.

"sorry, sweetie. but, we kinda had a feeling. you dad and i kind of made a bet on it... but i don't think you want to hear it. it's kind of kinky and uh you just don't want to hear it." i laughed and stood up, making jiya stand up, too.

"but we love you, sweetie. no matter what. look at us! you didn't have to be scared to tell us!" jimin engulfed her in a hug. i joined them, kind of mad that i lost our bet. i mean, we both thought that she was but... i just thought she wasn't going to come out so soon.

"t-thank you." she sniffled, "i don't know why i was scared..."

"it's perfectly normal to be scared, honey. but, thank you for telling us." i said and kissed her forehead.


nothing can make you feel older than attending your own daughter's wedding. i almost started crying and the ceremony hadn't even begun. i thought jimin would be the one crying now- not me.

"ah~ i remember our wedding day." jimin said and leaned his head against my shoulder, "jiya was so little- and tao wasn't even a thought in our minds! gosh, we seemed so much younger back then. jsksjksjihvwoqboquqevsksj yoongi! our baby is getting married!" jimin kicked his feet excitedly. i just sat and bit my lip. i knew the moment i spoke that i would cry. i just leaned over and pressed my head into his chest, allowing myself to begin to sob.

"aww, yoongi, baby, don't cry." he said and hugged me tight. there was nobody around so i didn't really care if i let myself go.

"we're so old, jimin." i whined and he just laughed.

"i know, i know." jimin laughed and kissed the side of my head, "but just think- the older we are- the more time we've spent with each other. it's impressive right? look at the number, yoonie. don't think of it as growing older but growing closer together. we're soul mates, honey, numbers and ages don't matter."

i sniffled in response, "come on," he said and made me look at him, "let's go get you cleaned up and then we can go check in with jiya, okay?" he took my hand and dragged me towards our bathroom.


"i told myself i wasn't going to cry but fuckfuckfuckfuckfuckfuckfuckfuckfuck." jimin said and gripped onto the hem of my shirt. jiya and her newlywed wife stood in front of us. jiya's hair was all done up with flowers but she wore s grey sweatshirt and black jeans. when she said she wasn't going to dress too fancy, i didn't know she meant this. but, i like it. her wife was in a similar outfit but her hair was dyed a pretty grey- and done up in a similar fashion.

"don't cry, dad." jiya chuckled and pulled jimin into a hug.

"you should have seen your father earlier. he was a complete emotional mess." jimin full-on exposed me.

"you brat, don't expose me." i said and jeongyeon giggled. she really was a great girl. her and jiya were perfect together.

the announcer called for us to pair up and begin to dance along with the song. jiya grabbed jeongyeon and dragged her out.

"can we just stay here? they have pop tarts." jimin whined and pointed at the box of pop tarts sitting on the table behind us. it was meant for the kids but jimin has the mentality of a five year old so it's acceptable.

after jimin finished his pop tarts, i pulled him out onto the dance floor and grabbed his hands. the lights were turned down, shining little specks of white over everything.

"you're so beautiful." i muttered, staring deep into his eyes. he shied away and looked down, "i want to see you, don't look down." his action made me laugh. our words were drown out by the music and other conversations from bodies dancing around us.

"you know how grateful i am for you, right?" i said. he just looked at me, confused, "you heard me. jimin you're amazing. i know i don't tell you this as much anymore but i feel like i need to tonight. everything you've done for me- it can't be amounted to anything. i can never repay you."

"but you do everyday, yoongi." he shifted his arms to wrap around my neck.

"you know, i would say a lot more but i'll save that for later after tao goes to sleep and won't bother us with his stupid but entertaining random-dance-play moments." i huffed. i love his little moments where he'll just burst into dance. he used to dance almost everyday with the group i was working with quite a while ago. they were called "onf." they loved having tao around so i brought him to work with me almost every day. let's just say he was better than me at the age of ten than i will ever be in my whole life.

"i'll look forward to it." he leaned forward and kissed my lips.

"love you."

"love you more."


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