one a.m

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what i said next surprised me.

"you don't have to worry about that. like i said before, i'm not like those people who like to tease you and tell you bad things. i may hang around people who are like that sometimes but that doesn't exactly mean i want to. honestly, jimin, i never cared much for new kids but on that first day i saw you, i knew you'd probably be some significant part of my life. after seeing how everyone was treating you, i found that it angered me. human compassion used to cease within me so the feeling was odd. i totally freaked out when i tried to say hi to you that first time. you wouldn't even believe how embarrassed i was." i chuckled. i wasn't exactly sure of what i was saying but i let it all out because i feel it would be better for him to know.

"and well," i continued, "i can't believe i'm going to tell you this..." i shook my head and he sat up.

"i just don't want you to be mad or anything..."

"im s-sure i w-won't be." he said, looking at me with curious eyes, wondering what im about to tell him.

"i developed this kind of protective nature for you, i don't know if you've noticed. but, um, i care a lot about you. like, a lot a lot. i've never felt like this about another person before. i just-" i took a deep breath, "i like you, jiminie and... not like a friend, i don't think. more like... in a loving way." i put my head down, afraid of what he was going to say. he was silent for a good while and when i looked back up, i found him staring at me with glossy eyes.

"yoongi..." he muttered and two tears fell. he leaned forward and hugged me tightly. his nails were digging into my back but i didn't say anything.

"you mean that? w-what you s-said about m-me?" he sniffled, hiding his face in my shoulder.

"of course i mean it. please don't cry." i scratched his back in a comforting manner.

"it's just t-that n-nobody ha-as ever said that b-before. my grandm-ma is the only p-person i k-know w-who remotely l-loves s-someone like m-me." he sniffled again.

"i find that hard to believe. you're so sweet, you're adorable, and smart, and just perfect all around. which is why i can never understand people's actions towards you. it's infuriating." he wasn't letting go of me even though i tried to pull away.

"i g-got scared i-i was goi-ing to t-tell you e-earlier b-but i-i nlighke yeouh twdoo." he mumbled into my shirt. i barely understood him but i got what he meant. a weird tingly feeling shot through my body, causing me to shiver. but it was a good feeling.

i turned my head to kiss the side of his face and he jumped back, his face turning red and he covered it.

i laughed, "i'm sorry, i didn't mean to startle you." he shook his head, meaning it was fine so i took my chance and kissed his cheek. he giggled and turned away. i always saw my friends act like this; my friends of which was one a little and the other was his boyfriend. i have to admit that it is fun.

i poked at his side, causing him to jump again and i kept poking, making him laugh.

"yoongi!" he said, trying to gain his breath from laughter. his voice was pitched more, indicating that he was fading farther into little space. i wonder how far he'll go? i've never been around him while he's little and awake before.

at this point now, i had him pinned down on the bed, my legs on either saide of his torso. i continued to tickle him despite him thrashing around and trying to get away. i found myself laughing, too. genuinely laughing. it's been a long time for the both of us, i guess, since that's happened.

"yoongi! stop it!" he giggled, sounding like a seven year old. my heart beat faster, hearing him laughing like that.

"nev-" i began to say 'never' but jimin decided to fight back and started grabbing at my sides, scaring me. i didn't know i was ticklish.

"ah! jimin!" i laughed, falling to the side which gained him the power to get out from under me and plop himself down on me, pinning my hands down.

i eventually gave up and let him win. he looked down at me with a look i've never gotten from anybody else before. its the way i look at him.


"it's almost two a.m, you should get back to sleeping now, okay?" i toned my voice as if i really were talking to a young child.

"b-but you said y-you c-cant sleep?" he cocked his head to the side.

"well, im definently tired now."

he smiled, hearing that i was tired. he slid off of me and grabbed the blue blanket that had fallen on the floor.

jimin cuddled under the blanket so that only his head was sticking out. his back was to me so he'd never see me.

i leaned over him and gave him a kiss on the cheek. he covered his face. i'm not afraid to admit that i like doing that. a lot has changed in the last two hours we've been awake but i can't say i regret any of it.

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