mud pt.1

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"Min Yoongi, y-you idiot." Jimin said as he walked out into the rain. Yoongi always seems to come back around when it's raining.

"Hey, wait!" Jimin called after the person who was running away. They'd just dumped Yoongi on the ground outside his front door.

Jimin huffed and went over to the muddy boy laying on the ground. There was a lot of blood. In many places. It scared Jimin.

"Come on," Jimin said as he leaned down to pick up Yoongi. Yoongi seemed unresponsive but awake; his eyes were just barely open.

Jimin carried Yoongi inside, seriously wishing his grandma was home right now and not at work.

Jimin got him upstairs and into his bathroom where he sat him down on the sink.

"What hap-pened to you?" Jimin muttered, looking at Yoongi's face. He softly dragged his thumb across his cheek in a place there was no blood. This kind of pain seemed to hurt more than what he felt before, in Jimin's opinion. It was something about seeing a loved one in such position, wounded and unresponsive, that hurts the most. You want to help them but you don't know what to do.

Jimin truly doesn't know what to do. Last time he spoke to Yoongi, they technically broke up but Jungkook said Yoongi probably doesn't mean it;  that he's just stressed.

Yoongi groaned in pain as Jimin began to clean the blood off his face. They were on his arms and neck as well. Jimin tried to be as careful as he could and seeing Yoongi in pain because of him made him want to stop. But, Yoongi just needed to suck it up and let Jimin do what he needed to.

After Jimin finished, he had Yoongi get off the counter. Yoongi seemed to respond to physical movements over verbal commands.

Jimin dragged Yoongi into his bedroom and sat him on a chair. He pulled his muddy shirt over his head and muddy pants off. He replaced them with clean sweatpants and a shirt. Yoongi was still shivering with cold, his teeth chattering. After removing the mud and blood from his face, he could see the bruises that were beginning to form and the fact that his lips were blue.

Jimin shuddered and ran to get some more blankets. Seeing that it was summer, the more heavy blankets were packed away.  

Jimin picked him up and put him down on the bed with a hiss and a whine from Yoongi.

"I'm sorry." Jimin said sincerely. He didn't know how much Yoongi was hurting or where.

He wrapped the blankets tightly around him, leaning Yoongi against himself. He pulled the covers up over the both of them. Like he did last time, it's good to use body heat.

Yoongi closed his eyes. He missed being so close to Jimin. It made him feel better, even now. Jimin ran his hand through Yoongi's hair slowly. He'd tried to clean it the best he could earlier.

They laid there for what seemed like hours but it was only forty minutes. Yoongi's breathing had become steady and he was no longer cold.

"I'm sorry, Jimin." Yoongi began crying harder. He'd been silently crying for a while without Jimin noticing. His tears caused the blood from his cuts to run down his face so Jimin hurriedly grabbed a wet soft towel to clean them again.

"It's okay, Yoongi. It's o-okay." Jimin said softly, rocking him back and forth.

"Why are you still helping me?" He muttered. Jimin wasn't expecting to get that kind of comment. It shocked him.

"Yoongi, you t-think that it annoys m-me? Is this what that wh-hole thing was about last week? You think that me ch-choosing to take care of you is annoying t-to m-me?"

"Yeah... I mean you were constantly having to. I just thought you were getting tired of me-" Yoongi tried to get out of the wrap of blankets but Jimin prevented him from doing so, so he gave up.

"Yoongi, honey, I'm sorry to say this but shut the fuck up."

Yoongi blinked, looking stunned. Jimin never curses.

"I h-honestly cant believe you t-think that. And I don't even know what lead you to. I thought I was t-trying my hardest to help you. To make su-ure you felt happy, and safe, and secure 24/7. I tried talking to you, Yoongi. If something was b-bothering you then you could have told or talked to me me but you didn't. And then this happened. Don't you think I've had the sa-ame thoughts? Thoughts like how you could have p-possibly been with me out of pity? Or found the way I s-speak an-noying. Or the fact that I'm a little is weird? Yoongi I l-love you. I love everything ab-bout you. And it h-hurts me to see you hurting. W-what did I do wrong?"

Yoongi opened his mouth to say something but he shut it. He didn't know what to say.

"Please, just un-nderstand what I'm saying, Y-Yoongi." Jimin sighed.

"I'm sorry," was all Yoongi could say. He was feeling so guilty. He had been blind. Blinded by his own evil and negative thoughts. He'd convinced himself Jimin was done with him. Therefore deciding his further actions.

Jimin huffed. "You d-don't need to apologize, Yoongi. Just... Try to get s-some sleep." Jimin left the room, grabbing a pillow and blanket as he passed by a cabinet. He was going to be sleeping on the couch tonight.

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