babies pt.2

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{Time Skip}

jimin and i decided to wait a while to get married. i still remember the day he ran into our bedroom, crying, saying that gay marriage was finally legal. we knew that there would still be controversy- so we vowed to wait a few years.

jimin's stutter disappeared completely (on normal, good days). i miss It sometimes if i am being comoletely honest.

i'd like to say that we've been doing pretty well. jimin grew out of little space eventually. it makes me a little sad sometimes (he goes in occasionally and tHaNk gOd). i wouldn't survive without seeing my little baby at least once a month.

he and i soon moved out of that small apartment and into our own house. it was perfect. a little big for the both of us but that would soon change.

jimin began volunteering at an animal shelter a few years back. that ultimately led to him wanting to do something... interesting. so, he's gone back to school to become a veterinarian. while, of course, working a part time job. i have the best fiancé-

part of him working with animals so often is that there is a constant supply of animals in our house. it's usually babies that were abandoned- one's jimin takes home to foster. i don't mind it one bit. i actually enjoy it. bless his soul i love him so much.

i scored a contract with a music label as a producer. at first, i had no idea what i was doing but i guess i was good at it.

when i was younger, i wasn't so open to the idea of having a family. i was content with it being just jimin, our puppy, and i. but, that seemed to change one day. i don't know exactly what got into me but i suddenly wanted a baby.

jimin was more than ecstatic to hear my suggestion.

so brings us to today. my legs bounced up and down nervously as jimin fiddled with his fingers, sitting pressed up against my side. neither of us were speaking.

the definition of 'scared' doesn't have enough power behind it to use now. terrified is a more accurate word. we were both absolutely terified.

for the last year, i couldn't help but think back to our senior year. i severely hated those robotic babies. but, i was taking care of it with jimin. this would be pretty similar. only, this is a real baby. our real baby. 

he and i were more than ready. we thought that preparing for our puppy was hectic. you should have seen us a few months back. with the help of my mother and jimin's grandmother, we got what we needed. who's better to ask for help from than women who've already had/raised children. maybe my mom didn't exactly raise us but she knows what a new baby needs.

it has probably been the most agonizingly anxious fourteen hours of our lives. our baby's mother was such a sweetie, though. we quickly became friends. we'd gone to school together. i vaguely remembered her whereas she never would have expected to be giving her child to the only gay couple in twelveth grade.

the three of us had been hanging out since she went into labor. my mom said that distracting her was a good idea. being to comfort her was also a big thing.

we ended up in the hospital just a few hours ago. we were both tired but we couldn't sleep. it was impossible.

jimin moved his head to my shoulder, lacing his fingers in mine. he held my hand tight, giving me a million different signals in one.

after another few hours, the moment had come. i wasn't ready. oh god neither of us were ready. but, we still went in.

jimin held my hand tight as he opened the door. seoyun was gone. she didn't want to see the baby. she knew it would be too painful. but, that didn't mean we wouldn't contact her occasionally.

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