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tae got back into his car after we said our goodbyes and they drove off. i turned around to see a half-awake jimin standing at the bottom of the staircase.

i cursed mentally. wait, maybe he didn't hear what we were talking about? i don't know how long he's been there.

i stepped forward. his bottom lip was quivering. i let out a long exhale.

"come on, baby, let's go to sleep now." i said, putting my hands on his waist. he looked down and nodded then hopped up onto my front.

i carried him up the stairs and into our room. i set him down and changed then climbed in next to him. he stuck his thumb in his mouth and then grabbed my shirt in his other fist.

"d-daddy?" he said quietly, looking up at me. he doesn't call me that unless he's really stressed out and little or really deep in little space.

"yes, baby?" i played with his hair.

"i h-heard-d what y-you and-and t-taetae were s-s-aying." he looked back away.

"oh... we can talk in the morning, okay?" i said, pulling him tight to me. he likes that. he nodded but i heard him sniffle. my heart ached knowing he was crying now.

"don't cry, jiminie." i kissed his head, "please don't cry. i'll explain more in the morning, okay?"

he nodded again, his body beginning to jitter. i rubbed his back to help him relax. i should have made sure he wasn't around when tae and i were talking. but, i would have had to tell him sooner or later. maybe it's good that he heard it now.

"i d-don't want you to l-leave, yoongi." he cuddled closer to me, holding on as if he'd lose me when he let go.

i didn't respond. i carded my fingers through his hair. i don't know how to respond. i promised him dearly that i wouldn't... but there is always a way to sneak around things; to find loopholes.

i sighed, "i'm sorry, jimin. it's just something that i decided a long time ago and i feel like such a shitty boyfriend for not telling you about it sooner."

"it's ok-kay, daddy." he closed his eyes and his breaths began to even out, "i u-un-nderstand."

i softly tried to coax him into sleeping. we woke up only a few hours later, remembering jimin has a dreaded dentist appointment. i've avoided talking about it around him because it terrifies him.


"jimin, honey, i love you but you are really frustrating me right now. you need to breathe, calm down, and just take it. okay? it isn't that hard. i've done this before."

jimin has to get his wisdom teeth out and he reacted differently than i thought he would. his face instantly paled and he ran into the bathroom, locking himself inside.

i waited a minute for a response but all i heard were sniffles. someone finally came by with a key and i let myself in.

he was startled.

"jimin, come on. they can't wait all day. i know you're scared but you won't feel a thing. i promise."

jimin looked down at the ground.

i put my hand on his lower back and assured him, "i'll be there the whole time, okay?"

he nodded and i lead him back into the room. i coaxed him down onto the seat and they gave him the juice before putting the mask over his face. his eyes got droopy and his grip on my hand loosened.

i ended up having to move down by his feet while the dentists worked. i dozed off a few times out of sheer boredom.

after they finished, i waited around for jimin to begin to wake up.

he sat up and looked at me, his eyes barely open.

he muttered my name and i leaned forward, allowing my tired baby to koala himself onto my front.

i signed him out and stuck him in the car.

he kept mumbling random things which i found quite amusing. the gas soon wore off and it had him laying on the couch all night in my arms whining about the pain.


A/N: Little update, woop. Also, I put out another Yoonmin ff called "UWU" if you wanna check it out. Thank you guys again for reading a voting and commenting and all that fun stuff. Love you guys~ :)))

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