mud pt.4

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A/N: I feel bad for making you guys wait after leaving you on that cliffhanger, haha. Alsoooo you may have seen me already say something about this but I REALLY don't want this story to hit 50k (Yall its almost at 300k not even half a year later) in the next two or three weeks because my dad and I have this bet... and I need ten dollars. But, who am I to stop you guys from reading this... Anyways. Hope you guys are having a good day/night and pls don't hate me after these next few chapters... And there's only a few left :(


after the clock struck nine a.m., i called taehyung in a panic. i could tell, instantly, that he knew something i didn't. that only seemed to scare me more. did he know where yoongi was? or why he left?

after maybe ten minutes of prying at taehyung, i broke him.

"so, he never told you, did he?" taehyung sighed.

"never told me what?"

"jiya is at school, right?"

"yeah, why?"

"no reason. i'm going to come over, and i'm bringing kookie. give us about ten minutes." taehyung said. i could hear jungkook whining about being woken up in the background. yep, normal jungkook.

"um, okay?" i said and taehyung quickly ended the call. what does he mean? after all this time, i'm pretty sure i would know most things about yoongi. what could yoongi possibly have been hiding from me for all these years? an affair? surely not. does he have a kid i don't know about? no, that isn't logical, either. i know probably all there is to know about him. though, i don't know that much about his childhood. but, what could he have possibly done? drugs? crime? he doesn't seem like the kind of guy. he was so sweet when i met him. i can't imagine.

after about ten minutes, like tae said, the two of them arrived. jungkook didn't look happy to be awake so i offered to let him take a nap on the couch while tae and i talked on the back porch. jungkook didn't deny. he'd been up all night working.

"what's this about, tae? i'm scared. i don't know where my own husband is and you're acting as if he's an assassin that works for the soviet union!" i didn't mean to raise my voice but i was growing more anxious and afraid by the moment.

"when jungkook and i met yoongi... he wasn't exactly the guy you met in senior year. he was much, much different. hung around people he shouldn't have."

"so, drugs?"

"well, no. surely he didn't know what he was getting into. even i got sucked into it for a while. but, i managed to get out. he did, too, but faltered far too recently." taehyung sighed. i wasn't following a single thing he was saying.

"i don't understand, tae. just cut to the chase."

"you remember when he ran away the first time, don't you?"

"if you mean like ten years ago, then yeah. when he was dumped on my doorstep in the pouring rain." i crossed my arms. a million things raced around my head.

"you never did find out where he went, did you? or how he got so hurt? i just want to make sure you don't know anything. that's why i'm talking around the subject."

"no, tae, i don't know a single fucking thing you're s-saying." i winced, hearing my stutter appear again. it's been gone for months, why does it have to come back now?

"so, i guess there's a lot you don't know about him, huh?"

"taehyung, p-p-please. just tell me." my hands began to shake. he reached out and grabbed my hands, having me sit down on the porch swing.

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