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jimin wasn't at school on monday. that worried me more than it should have. i mean, i care about the kid and i know what he's got going on so it's only natural for me to worry.

to my relief, he'd only been feeling a little sick but was better today: tuesday.

i never liked this class so much because of how quiet it is. i prefer science class.

i tore a little piece of paper off of my sheet and wrote on it:

come over after school? we can go get food, too, if you want.

i crumpled the paper ball and tossed it in jimin's direction. it landed right on his desk and i silently applauded myself.

namjoon gave me a weird look but i pretended not to notice.

the ball was thrown back at me shortly. i find this strategy a more convenient way of communcating. plus, this is a no phones class, sadly.

jimin seemed to warm up to me a little more after saturday. i honestly don't know what he's doing to me. i've developed a weird sort of sense of protectivness over him, if you couldn't already tell.

he's a really sweet boy, as far as i see. he's hesitant on telling me a lot about himself because he thinks i won't like him "and leave him like everyone else" which is what he told me last saturday. i feel bad about that. i mean, i see how people treat him and it sickens me. they don't even know him and that's probably why jimin has such low self esteem and thinks so low of himself compared to others.

the note had a response written below what i'd said:

like a date???

i silently laughed, beginning to write my response:

no silly, i just want to take you out for an early dinner. is that too much to ask?

i added a little funny face before throwing it back.

jimin replied with:

hmm, sure, that would be fun. thank you, yoongi-ah. ^~^


i grabbed jimin as he was walking out of our last class. he generally hurries from class to class. i felt zero regret in ditching mine and namjoon's conversation which caused me to think, wow what is this kid doing to me? but i found it funny. namjoon didn't.

"o-oh, hi." jimin said. i've begun to disregard his stutter which is surprising for me. i barely notice it now. i learned to look over it quickly.

"walk home with me?"

"u-uh, ok-kay." he shyly smiled. jimin takes the bus so it wouldn't make much difference if he walked home with me. he just wanted to call his grandma first to tell her where he'd be.

"aww, have fun boys." she said through the speaker phone.

"we will, mrs. park." i chuckled and jimin ended the call.

"any preference on where to eat?"

jimin shrugged. "you choose."

so, i chose somewhere i thought jimin would like and i was right.

we sat at a table at the back of the room and he asked, "w-why are you b-b-being so nice t-to me?"

"what kind of a question is that? it's not like i'd treat you like everyone else does. they're all pretty terrible people, i'm just a slight exception. nobody should treat you that way." i took a bite of my food.

"w-well thank-k you t-then, for n-not b-b-being like them-m." jimin said, avoiding eye contact with me.

we talked a little bit as we ate and afterwards, i took him home. i was surprised when his grandma pulled me inside, wanting to talk to me. jimin went up to his room to change.

"yoongi," she said, "you know what he is, right?"

i instantly knew what she was reffering to, "yes, i do. and before you ask, i know exactly what to do. plus, he's such a sweetheart. i don't understand why he gets bullied so much." i frowned.

"oh," she chuckled, "i wasn't talking about that, i already figured you knew, and based on the way you look at him i can tell you have experience?"

"oh, yeah. my friends from an old school; one of them is a little so i already have a lot of knowledge on the subject."

"well, that's good. and, thank you. he's definently been... happier in these last few days. it's a nice thing to see. it's been a long time since i saw him genuinely smile." her smile turned into a frown and i could sense what she was thinking.

"oh, well... don't worry about anything mrs. park, i'm not like those guys. i won't hurt him."

"ah, thank you." she hugged me which i found a little strange but didn't mind. i guess i can understand how she can feel about a new person after jimin being bullied for so long.

jimin came down wearing grey sweatpants and a fluffy white sweater. he was surprised to see me.

"bye, jimin." i said and waved goodbye before leaving.


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