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"no you have to st-tay in bed." he pushed me back down. he was still in little space. he says he usually stays there if he's stressed or dealing with something that makes him anxious or sad.

now i feel bad. i'm the thing making him feel that way.

"jimin, baby, yo-" i stopped myself. little jimin thinks i'm sick like with a cold. and, we have nothing to do today really so...

"you're sick and i ha-ave to take care of you." he pulled the blankets back over my legs and shut the blinds tighter, making it darker.

i slightly smiled.


"are you hungry? m-my grandma and i can go grab s-so-omething for us before she leaves."

"i am a little but it's oka-"

i was interrupted by jimin hopping up and going to the door but ran back to me momentarily.

he kissed my forehead, "i'll be back in a little b-bit, okay?"

i nodded. my god he's so cute. i laid back and closed my eyes. i didn't fall asleep but i wish i did. it was so quiet and his bed is also really comfortable.

he came back about ten or fifteen minutes later. he was holding burger king bags. i chuckled as he sat down on the bed.

"is this good?" he asked.

"yes." i played with his hair. it was still pink but faded and his roots were growing in.

"are you thinking of dying your hair again?"

he shrugged.

"i think orange would look nice on you." a long time ago i tried to figure what colors would look good on him and orange was one.

his mouth made an o shape and he handed me something he wanted me to eat. i didn't oblige.

"we have school tomorrow."

"don't remind m-me." he sighed, "you won't be at school for t-those couple weeks, wi-ill you?"

"no, but like i said, it takes max three weeks. but remember, if anyone does or says anything bad to you, call me and tell me. you need to tell your counselor, too, okay?"

jimin nodded.

"i promise they won't lay a finger on you again. i think hoseok may have learned his lesson. he'll still be gone for a week when we go back, remember?"

"yeah," he seemed to snap out of little space and i could see it noticeably.

"come on, jimin. you'll be okay. yeah, i'll be gone for a little while but you're okay. i'll text you whenever i can."

"i know. i'll just m-miss you." he frowned.

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